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Notificaciones OMC 119 Food stated in point (b), (c), (d) Paragraph 1, Article 5 is compulsory to follow the requirements a year after the Decree takes effect. Manufacturers, sellers and importers are encouraged to apply before the enforcement date. Food stated in Article 4, 5 produced before the effective date is allowed to circulate until the expiry date shown on the product packages. Objeto y razón de ser: To protect public health. Article 18(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Objeto y razón de ser: The proposed measure is a Commission Regulation for certain health claims as referred to above under point 6 that have been assessed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with an unfavourable outcome. Therefore the health claims included in that Commission Regulation do not comply with the conditions set out in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, and will not be authorised for use on foods because EFSA concluded that they are not scientifically substantiated. Protection of Human health or Safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/EU/301 Draft Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, with regard to air heating products, cooling products and high temperature chillers (48 pages, in English). This draft Commission Regulation applies to air heating products, cooling products and high temperature process chillers placed on the EU market. The draft regulation lays down minimum energy performance requirements and in particular the requirements on minimum space heating energy efficiency for air heating products, space cooling energy efficiency for cooling products, energy performance ratio for high temperature process chillers and emissions of nitrogen oxides for products using combustion. The draft regulation also lays down requirements on information to be provided in the manuals of the products and on free access Websites of manufacturers or importers. In accordance with Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC, air heating products, cooling products and high temperature process chillers not meeting these requirements will not be allowed to be placed on the EU market. The draft Regulation is based on the findings of a technical, environmental and economic study which has been carried out with stakeholders. Objeto y razón de ser: The aim is to address regulatory and market failures existing in the air heating products, cooling products and high temperature process chillers sector in the EU. The energy consumption during use-phase and the emissions of nitrogen oxides have been identified as relevant in the preparatory studies and they can be reduced by applying cost effective measures. The worst performing air heating products, cooling products and high temperature process chillers will be removed from the market. The Regulation will push the market towards more environmentally friendly products, it will contribute to the fight against climate change and it will increase energy efficiency in the EU. VIETNAM Notificación: G/TBT/N/VNM/66 Draft Decree on Fortified Food. This Decree specifies mandatory micronutrients which need to be added in food, and food subject to micronutrients fortification to prevent and recover from micronutrient deficiencies in public. Foods subject to added micronutrients include: oil, flour, food grade salt and soy sauce. ediciones Guía de aplicación de la Norma UNE-ISO/IEC 27001 sobre seguridad en sistemas de información para pymes. 2ª edición Luis Gómez Fernández y Ana Andrés Álvarez Comprender la norma UNE-ISO/IEC 27001 Esta publicación facilita la comprensión de todos los conceptos desarrollados en la norma UNE-ISO/ IEC 27001:2007, con el fin de que las pymes puedan cumplir sus requisitos y, por tanto, controlar sus sistemas de información. Un SGSI orientado a la pyme Con esta guía, cualquier pyme podrá diseñar un SGSI que se adapte a la realidad de su empresa e introducir medidas de seguridad mínimas e imprescindibles para proteger la información generada, con el menor número de recursos posibles y cambios organizativos. Incluye, además, un ejemplo práctico con la información básica que debe incluir un SGSI e indicaciones sobre la información que debe recoger cada documento. Ampliada con el Esquema Nacional de Seguridad Esta edición ha sido ampliada para tratar también los requisitos del Esquema Nacional de Seguridad, reglamento de obligado cumplimiento para las Administraciones Públicas. 22012 - 216 pág. – 30,06 € Formato: 17 x 24 cm. - Wire-O ISBN: 978-84-8143-749-2 Ebook – 14,95 € PDF-ISBN: 978-84-8143-761-4 (IVA incluido) Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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