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63 to specific substances that are currently controlled under the CDSA. Notificación: G/TBT/N/CAN/465 Notice to Interested Parties – Proposed Order amending Schedule III to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) and Regulations Amending the Schedule to Part J of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) to include 2C-phenethylamines and their salts, derivatives, isomers and salts of derivatives and isomers (2 pages, available in English and French). The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs voted in favour of scheduling three 2C-phenethylamines derivatives, 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe, and 25I-NBOMe, under Schedule I to the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971. 2C-phenethylamines are potent synthetic hallucinogens having both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Considered as “designer drugs”, they are emerging in the market at a rapid pace. These designer drugs are readily available for sale on the internet as “research chemicals” and at raves, nightclubs and head shops. Around the world, these products have been associated with significant health and safety risks. There are no known legitimate therapeutic or industrial uses and only limited scientific and research uses for 2C-phenethylamines. This notice provides interested stakeholders with the opportunity to comment on Health Canada’s intent to pursue amendments to Schedule III to the CDSA and the Schedule to Part J of the FDR to include 2C-phenethylamines and their salts, derivatives, isomers and salts of derivatives and isomers. This would include 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe and 25I NBOMe and their salts. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of human health Notificación: G/TBT/N/CAN/466 Notice to interested parties – Proposal regarding the scheduling of AH-7921 and MT-45 under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its Regulations (2 pages, available in English and French). In March 2015, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs voted in favour of controlling AH-7921, a synthetic opioid, under Schedule I of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (1961 Convention). As a signatory, Canada has an obligation to adopt the controls required by the 1961 Convention. As structurally-related substances to AH-7921 are also known to have abuse potential and are included in the Convention, the salts, isomers and salts of isomers of AH- 7921 will also be scheduled along with the parent substance. MT-45 is a synthetic opioid with potential health risks similar to those of other controlled opioids. In order to capture substances that are structurally related to MT-45 with known psychoactive effects, it is proposed that the salts, derivatives, isomers and analogues of MT-45 and the salts of these substances be scheduled along with the parent substance. Objeto y razón de ser: The purpose of these amendments is to protect public health and public safety. EGIPTO Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/85 Ministerial Decree No. 537 for the year 2015 concerning the modified Egyptian Standard ES 1292-2/2015 for “Concrete Masonry Units – Part 2: Non Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units “ (11 pages, in Arabic) that supersedes its last edition in 2005 that has already been mandated by Ministerial Decree No. 423/2005. This Ministerial Decree provides producers and importers a transitional period of six months to comply with the modified Egyptian Standard ES 1292 2/2015 for “ concrete masonry units part 2: non load bearing concrete masonry units “ (11 pages, in Arabic) that supersedes its last edition in 2005 that has already been mandated by Ministerial Decree No. 423/2005. This Egyptian Standard is concerned with hollow and solid non-load bearing concrete masonry units made from Portland cement, water, and mineral aggregates with or without the inclusion of other materials. These units are intended for use in non-load bearing partitions, but under certain conditions, they may be suitable for use in non-load bearing exterior walls above grade where effectively protected from the weather. Worth mentioning is that this standard is in conformity with ASTM C129 /2011 – Standard Specification for Non Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units. Objeto y razón de ser: Safety requirements. Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/86 Draft Egyptian Standard for Edible Named Vegetable Oils (26 pages, in Arabic) superseding the relevant Egyptian Standards already mandated by Ministerial Decree no. 130 for the year 2005. The Draft Egyptian Standard for Edible Named Vegetable Oils complies with CODEX STAN. 210 adopted in 1999. Revisions 2001, 2003, 2009. Amendment 2005, 2011, 2013, and supersedes the following Egyptian standards: 1. E.S no. 49-1/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils Part 1: Sesame Seed Oil” 2. E.S no. 49-3/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils – Part 3: Maize Oil” 3. E.S no. 49-5/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils – Part 5: Arachis oil” 4. E.S no. 49-6/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils – Part 6: Soya Bean Oil” 5. E.S no. 49-7/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils – Part 7: Sunflower Seed Oil” 6. E.S no. 49-8/2005 “Vegetable Edible Oils Part 8: Cotton Seed Oil” 7. E.S no. 5108/2006 “Safflower Seed Oil-High Oleic Acid” 8. E.S no. 1685/2005 “Refined Edible Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil” 9. E.S no. 2099/2005 “Safflower Seed Oil” 10. E.S no. 2100/2005 “Mustard Seed Oil” 11. E.S no. 2249/2005 “Edible Palm Stearin” 12. E.S no. 1706/2005 “Edible Palm Olein” 13. E.S no. 1520/2005 “Edible Palm Oil” 14. E.S no. 1615/2015 “Edible Coconut Oil” 15. E.S no. 1632/2015 “Edible Palm Kernel Oil” 16. E.S no. 1672/2007 “Cottonseed Oil Second Grade” 17. E.S no. 2098/2006 “Edible Grape Seed Oil”

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