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60 Normas Europeas CLC/TC MEDICIÓN, CONTROL Y AUTOMATIZACIÓN DE PROCESOS INDUSTRIALES EN 61804-4:2016 Function blocks (FB) for process control and Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) - Part 4: EDD interpretation EN 61987-21:2016 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data struc-tures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 21: List of Properties (LOP) of automated valves for electronic data exchange - Generic structures EN 61987-22:2016 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data struc-tures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 22: Lists of Properties (LOPs) of valve body assemblies for electronic data exchange EN 61987-23:2016 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data struc-tures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 23: Lists of Properties (LOPs) of actuators for electronic data exchange EN 61987-24-1:2016 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data struc-tures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 24-1: Lists of Properties (LOPs) of positioners and I/P convert-ers for electronic data exchange CLC/TC SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY SYSTEMS EN 50583-1:2016 Photovoltaics in buildings - Part 1: BIPV modules EN 50583-2:2016 Photovoltaics in buildings - Part 2: BIPV systems CLC/TC CONECTORES DE FIBRA ÓPTICA EN 50411-3-8:2016 Fibre organizers and closures to be used in optical fibre commu-nication systems - Product specifications - Part 3-8: Fibre man-agement system, terminal equipment box type 1 for category C CLC/TC AUDIO, VIDEO AND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT AND RELATED SUB-SYSTEMS EN 62087-2:2016 Audio, video, and related equipment - Determination of power consumption - Part 2: Signals and media CLC/TC SEGURIDAD DE LOS EQUIPOS ELECTRÓNICOS DE AUDIO/VÍDEO, TECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN EN 60065:2014/AC:2016 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety re-quirements CLC/TC HOME AND BUILDING ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (HBES) EN 50090-5-3:2016 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-3: Media and media dependent layers - Radio Frequency for HBES Class 1 CLC/TC ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) EN 50561-3:2016 Power line communication apparatus used in low-voltage installations - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement - Part 3: Apparatus operating above 30 MHz CLC/TC FLUÍDOS PARA APLICACIONES ELECTROTÉCNICAS EN 60599:2016 Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment in service - Guidance on the interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis CLC/TC CONDICIONES AMBIENTALES, CLASIFICACIÓN Y MÉTODOS DE ENSAYO  EN 60068-2-39:2016 Environmental testing - Part 2-39: Tests - Tests and guidance: Combined temperature or temperature and humidity with low air pressure tests CLC/TC CORTACIRCUITOS FUSIBLES MINIATURA EN 60127-7:2016 Miniature fuses - Part 7: Miniature fuse-links for special ap-plications CLC/TC INSULATORS EN 62231-1:2016 Composite station post insulators for substations with ac voltages greater than 1 000 V UP TO 245 kV - Part 1: Dimen-sional, mechanical and electrical characteristics CLC/TC COMPONENTES PASIVOS DE MICROONDAS Y DE RADIOFRECUENCIA EN 61169-53:2016 Radio-frequency connectors - Part 53: Sectional specification for RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer con-ductor 16 mm with screw lock - Characteristic impedance 50 O (Type S7-16) ECISS/TC TEST METHODS FOR STEEL (OTHER THAN CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) EN ISO 7438:2016 Metallic materials - Bend test (ISO 7438:2016) formación AENOR está presente en el campo de la formación mediante cursos y seminarios que ponen a disposición de los profesionales de todos los sectores técnicas y herramientas de gestión avanzadas cuya aplicación es imprescindible para mantener una posición de competitividad en el mercado. Contacte con el Tel. 902 102 201 Fax 913 10 36 95 formació

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