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41 IEC TS 62436:2008/AMD1:2016 (17/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Guideline for implementation of copy controlled multimedia interface IEC 62439-1:2010+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2016 CSV (25/02/2016) Ed. 1.2 Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods IEC 62439-1:2010/AMD2:2016 (25/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 2 - Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods IEC 62505-1:2016 (03/02/2016) Ed. 2.0 Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for AC switchgear - Part 1: Circuit-breakers with nominal voltage above 1 kV IEC 62505-2:2016 (03/02/2016) Ed. 2.0 Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for AC switchgear - Part 2: Disconnectors, earthing switches and switches with nominal voltage above 1 kV IEC 62572-3:2016 (18/02/2016) Ed. 3.0 Fibre optic active components and devices - Reliability standards - Part 3: Laser modules used for telecommunication IEC/IEEE 62582-2:2011+AMD1:2016 CSV (25/02/2016) Ed. 1.1 Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 2: Indenter modulus IEC/IEEE 62582-2:2011/AMD1:2016 (25/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Electrical equipment condition monitoring methods - Part 2: Indenter modulus IEC 62595-1-2:2016 (18/02/2016) Ed. 2.0 Display lighting unit - Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols IEC 62605:2016 (10/02/2016) Ed. 2.0 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for e-dictionaries IEC 62689-1:2016 PRV (26/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Current and voltage sensors or detectors, to be used for fault passage indication purposes - Part 1: General principles and requirements IEC 62689-2:2016 PRV (26/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Current and voltage sensors or detectors, to be used for fault passage indication purposes - Part 2: System aspects IEC 62718:2013/COR1:2016 (25/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Corrigendum 1 - Railway applications - Rolling stock - DC supplied electronic ballasts for lighting fluorescent lamps IEC 62760:2016 (10/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Audio reproduction method for normalized loudness level IEC 62777:2016 (10/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Quality evaluation method for the sound field of directional loudspeaker array system IEC 62779-1:2016 (18/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for human body communication - Part 1: General requirements IEC 62779-2:2016 (18/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for human body communication - Part 2: Characterization of interfacing performances IEC 62779-3:2016 PRV (05/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Semiconductor devices - Semiconductor interface for human body communication - Part 3: Functional type and its operational conditions IEC 62788-1-2:2016 PRV (26/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 1-2: Encapsulants - Measurement of volume resistivity of photovoltaic encapsulants and other polymeric materials IEC 62793:2016 PRV (19/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems IEC 62841-2-8:2016 PRV (12/02/2016) Ed. 1.0 Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for hand-held shears and nibblers ediciones Guía de indicadores ambientales en el sector de la construcción El uso e implementación de indicadores ambientales en el sector de la construcción están fuertemente influenciados por algunas peculiaridades como por ejemplo, la dispersión geográfica, la heterogeneidad de sus actividades, la ausencia de control sobre el diseño del proyecto a ejecutar y el alto porcentaje de actividades subcontratadas. Esta guía tiene como objetivo poner a disposición de las empresas del sector de la construcción, así como de otras estrechamente relacionadas, algunos ejemplos de indicadores ambientales específicos y particularizados para su actividad, de forma que se conviertan en una herramienta básica para una gestión ambiental eficaz. 2012 – Rústica - 17 x 24 cm 40 páginas – 15 € ISBN: 978-84-8143-793-5 Sector: Medio ambiente y construcción Ebook – 6,50 € EPUB -ISBN: 978-84-8143-795-9 PDF-ISBN: 978-84-8143-794-2 (IVA incluido) Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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