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81 •Makes a few changes in the testing equipment including in the blocking rectangle, in the ventilation holes test indicators and in the finger traps •Adopts a few joint migration rules to determine the migration limits only as part of the TDI’s •Sets new requirements for the flanges •Adds new information relating to the chain supply in the case of products containing vulcanized rubber •Adds new tests for formaldehyde •Adds new tests for bisphenol A •Adds new tests for color stability Both the old standard and the new revised standard will apply for a period of one year after the entry into force of this revision. During this time soothers could be tested according to the old or the new revised standard. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of human health or safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/ISR/869 SI 1258 part 4 – Protective clothing: High-visibility warning clothing – test methods and requirements (74  pages, in English; 8 pages, in Hebrew). Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 1258 part 4, dealing with high-visibility warning clothing. This draft standard revision is an implementation of both the European Standard EN ISO 20471: March 2013 and the American Standard ANSI/ ISEA 107 – 2010, and allows compliance with either of them. The major differences between the old version and this new revised draft standard are the new modifications introduced to the adopted European standard, as follows: •Requires that the sleeves of type 3 clothing should be long •Facilitates the requirement for the material’s strength •Deletes the requirement for retroflective level 2 •Sterns the materials ageing test and requires that the background materials must be checked at the end of all cleaning cycles, as specified by the manufacturer Both the old standard and the new revised standard will apply for a period of 12 months from date of entry into force. During this time protective clothing could be tested according to the old or the new revised standards. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of human health or safety. REPÚBLICA DE COREA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/625 Additional enactment and amendment of the technical regulations of the railway vehicles (7 pages, in Korean). • Background and progress on the technical regulations of the railway vehicles • Manufacturer (or his representative) shall get type approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) for the newly-designed railway vehicles or significantly modified vehicles. Also, manufacturer approval and train set inspection certificate are necessary for the operation in Korea (Railway Safety ACT, Article 26, 26-3, and 26-6). • In 2014, MOLIT has enacted the technical regulations for the type approval, manufacturer approval, and train set inspection of following railway; high speed rail (electric locomotives and coaches type), conventional rail, and urban trains (EMU DC type only) • Additional enactment and amendment on the technical regulations • The MOLIT plans to enact additionally the technical regulations for high speed rail vehicle (EMU: electric multiple unit), conventional rail vehicle (passenger coach and freight wagon), urban trains operated by only AC (alternative current) or AC/DC combined electric power, and light rail vehicle (including tram). • According to additional enactment stated above, railway vehicle classification, definition of terms, and references will be amended in Part 1 (General of the technical regulation). • The additional technical regulations will contain the essential requirements and the rolling stock subsystem requirements equivalent to the existing technical regulations enacted in 2014, which will be available for type examination, and product verification for series manufactured vehicles. • The essential requirements in the technical regulation provide safety requirements (rolling stock gauge, dynamic safety, collision safety, fire safety, electrical safety, risk analysis, and railway software), performances, interfaces with infrastructure, operation and maintenance, and operational limits (reliability and availability, health, acoustic noise, rescue operation, and aerodynamic characteristics). • The rolling stock subsystem requirements prescribe on the design and structural requirements for car body and interior devices, bogie, brake, propulsion, auxiliary power unit, on-board signalling, train control and monitoring device, as well as coupling device. Also, testing procedures for components, parts, assembled vehicles, and running test are provided. Objeto y razón de ser: Enhancement of railway safety TAILANDIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/THA/474 Draft Ministry of Public Health Notification, No. ... B.E. ... (....) entitled “Novel food” (5 pages, in Thai). The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) considered that novel ingredients which have never been used for consumption as food or used as food ingredients as well as novel process that never been used earlier for production of food. Therefore, the notification of MOPH entitled “Novel food” has been issued for providing risk assessment measure in order to protect consumer as follows: • Clause 1 – Novel food in this notification means: 1) (1) Any object used as food or food ingredients which have been significantly used for human consumption less than fifteen years based on scientific or reliable evidence, or 2) (2) Any object used as food or food ingredients to which has been applied a production process not currently used, where that process gives rise to significant changes in the composition or structure of such food which affect their nutritional value, metabolism or level of undesirable substances, or

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