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83 During the evaluation and peer-review of the substance, a number of concerns and areas that could not be finalised were identified. These are detailed in the conclusion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA); most importantly the Authority concluded that, due to an incomplete genotoxic assessment of triasulfuron and its manufacturing impurity CGA 150829, it has not been possible to set the health based toxicological reference values. As a consequence, the assessment of the risk to consumers, operators, workers and bystanders could not be conducted. Furthermore, the Authority concluded that there is a high potential for the representative uses assessed to result in groundwater exposure above the parametric drinking water limit of 0.1?g/l either by triasulfuron itself or by its soil metabolite CGA 150829. In addition, a high risk to aquatic plants was identified. These concerns imply that triasulfuron does not meet the approval criteria as outlined in Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and cannot be approved currently. Existing authorisations will need to be withdrawn; Member States must withdraw existing plant protection products containing triasulfuron at the latest by 3 months from the date of entry into force. A period of grace in line with Article 46 of Regulation 1107/2009 is allowed for and shall expire at the latest on 30 November 2016 (allowing for a final season of use). Protection of animal or plant life or health; Protection of human health or safety; Protection of the environment. Notificación: G/TBT/N/EU/357 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (COM/2016/031 final) (97 pages + 341 pages of annexes, in English, French and Spanish). Type-approval requirements for motor vehicles and their trailers are currently set out in Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (the “Framework Directive”). This framework aims at facilitating the free movement of motor vehicles and trailers in the internal market by laying down harmonised requirements designed to achieve common environmental and safety objectives. Directive 2007/46/EC covers motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers (category M) and of goods (category N), and their trailers (category O), as well as their systems and components. The notified proposal aims at improving the above typeapproval framework by focusing on the following aspects: •introduction of market surveillance provisions to complement the type-approval requirements; •clarification of the recall and safeguard procedures, as well as the conditions for granting extensions to approvals for existing types of vehicle; •improving the enforcement of the type-approval framework by harmonising and enhancing the type-approval and conformity of production procedures applied by EU Member State authorities and technical services; •clarification of the roles and responsibilities of economic operators in the supply chain, and of the authorities and parties involved in the enforcement of the framework; and •improving the suitability of alternative type-approval schemes (national small series and individual approvals) and of the multi-stage type-approval process to provide appropriate flexibility for niche markets and SMEs, without however distorting the level playing field. Objeto y razón de ser: The draft intends to reinforce the typeapproval system, in particular by ensuring adequate supervisory mechanisms to ensure a correct and harmonised application of the type-approval procedures. This revision aims to ensure an adequate level of protection of health and the environment. ediciones Modelo para el gobierno de las TIC basado en las normas ISO C.M. Fernández Sánchez y M. Piattini Velthuis (Coordinadores) Este libro surge como resultado de la aplicación real del modelo de AENOR de gobierno y gestión de las TSI con estándares ISO. Está centrado en la exposición de una metodología y la aplicación de unas buenas prácticas basadas en las normas ISO para ejercer de la mejor manera posible el gobierno y la gestión de las TIC. Su objetivo no es otro que evitar y eliminar duplicidades, optimizar recursos y simplificar al máximo la articulación del modelo de gobierno y de gestión de las TIC. Esta práctica publicación aborda: • Las cuestiones generales relativas al gobierno y gestión de las TIC. • La panorámica de la normalización en esta área. • Qué problema resuelve cada norma ISO presentada, cómo contribuye la misma al gobierno o a la gestión de las TSI, y cuáles son los principales factores críticos de éxito a tener en cuenta a la hora de aplicar las buenas prácticas que recoge dicha norma. • Ejemplos prácticos basados en la experiencia de empresas que han alcanzado su certificación por AENOR. 2012 – 434 páginas – 24,96 € Rústica – ISBN: 978-84-8143-790-4 Ebook – 12 € Formato PDF- ISBN: 978-84-8143-764-5 Formato Ebook ISBN: 978-84-8143-765-2 (IVA incluido) Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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