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60 Normas Internacionales IEC 61753-052-6:2016 (2016-07-28) Ed. 1.0 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 052-6: Single-mode fibre nonconnectorized fixed attenuator - Category O in outside plant environment IEC 61754-32:2016 PRV (2016-07-15) Ed. 1.0 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 32: Type DiaLink connector family IEC 61784-3-2:2016 (2016-07-13) Ed. 3.0 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 2 IEC 61784-3-3:2016 (2016-07-12) Ed. 3.0 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 3 IEC 61784-3-8:2016 (2016-07-28) Ed. 2.0 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-8: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 8 IEC 61784-3-13:2016 (2016-07-15) Ed. 2.0 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-13: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 13 IEC 61784-3-17:2016 (2016-07-28) Ed. 1.0 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-17: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 17 IEC 61784-3-18:2011+AMD1:2016 CSV (2016-07-20) Ed. 1.1 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-18: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 18 IEC 61784-3-18:2011/AMD1:2016 (2016-07-20) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-18: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 18 IEC 61850:2016 SER (2016-07-28) Ed. 1.0 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - ALL PARTS IEC TS 61850-80-1:2016 (2016-07-28) Ed. 2.0 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 80-1: Guideline to exchanging information from a CDC-based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104 IEC 61970-552:2016 PRV (2016-07-22) Ed. 2.0 Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 552: CIMXML Model exchange format IEC TR 62001-2:2016 (2016-07-21) Ed. 1.0 High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems - Guidance to the specification and design evaluation of AC filters - Part 2: Performance IEC 62108:2016 PRV (2016-07-08) Ed. 2.0 Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules and assemblies - Design qualification and type approval IEC 62209-1:2016 (2016-07-06) Ed. 2.0 Measurement procedure for the assessment of specific absorption rate of human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices - Part 1: Devices used next to the ear (Frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz) IEC 62264-5:2016 (2016-07-19) Ed. 2.0 Enterprise-control system integration - Part 5: Business to manufacturing transactions IEC PAS 62264-6:2016 (2016-07-05) Ed. 1.0 Enterprise-control system integration - Part 6: Messaging Service Model IEC 62317-4:2005/COR1:2016 (2016-07-15) Ed. 1.0 Corrigendum 1 - Ferrite cores - Dimensions - Part 4: RMcores and associated parts IEC TS 62332-3:2016 (2016-07-21) Ed. 1.0 Electrical insulation systems (EIS) - Thermal evaluation of combined liquid and solid components - Part 3: Hermetic motor-compressors IEC 62351-11:2016 PRV (2016-07-22) Ed. 1.0 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 11: Security for XML files IEC 62366-1:2015/COR1:2016 (2016-07-14) Ed. 1.0 Corrigendum 1 - Medical devices - Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices IEC 62424:2016 (2016-07-15) Ed. 2.0 Representation of process control engineering - Requests in P&I diagrams and data exchange between P&ID tools and PCE-CAE tools IEC 62477-1:2012+AMD1:2016 CSV (2016-07-28) Ed. 1.1 Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 1: General IEC 62477-1:2012/AMD1:2016 (2016-07-28) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 1: General IEC 62548:2016 PRV (2016-07-22) Ed. 1.0 Photovoltaic (PV) arrays - Design requirements IEC TS 62564-1:2016 (2016-07-13) Ed. 3.0 Process management for avionics - Aerospace qualified electronic components (AQEC) - Part 1: Integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors IEC 62646:2016 PRV (2016-07-29) Ed. 2.0 Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Computer-based procedures IEC PAS 62686-2:2016 (2016-07-21) Ed. 1.0 Process management for avionics - Electronic components for aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications - Part 2: General requirements for passive components IEC TS 62736:2016 (2016-07-12) Ed. 1.0 Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Simple methods for periodic testing to verify stability of an imaging system’s elementary performance

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