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64 Normas Internacionales IEC 61800-5-1:2007/AMD1:2016 (31/08/2016) Ed. 2.0 Amendment 1 - Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and energy IEC 61851-1:2016 PRV (26/08/2016) Ed. 3.0 Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1: General requirements IEC 62040-5-3:2016 PRV (05/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 5-3: DC output UPS - Performance and test requirements IEC 62047-25:2016 (29/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 25: Silicon based MEMS fabrication technology - Measurement method of pull-press and shearing strength of micro bonding area IEC 62054-21/AMD1:2016 PRV (26/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches IEC 62153-4-16:2016 PRV (15/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-16: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Extension of the frequency range to higher frequencies for transfer impedance and to lower frequencies for screening attenuation measurements using the triaxial set-up IEC 62226-3-1/AMD1:2016 PRV (05/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Amendment 1 - Exposure to electric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency range - Methods for calculating the current density and internal electric field induced in the human body - Part 3-1: Exposure to electric fields - Analytical and 2D numerical models IEC 62320-2:2016 PRV (15/08/2016) Ed. 2.0 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Automatic identification system (AIS) - Part 2: AIS AtoN Stations - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results IEC 62325-451-2:2014/COR1:2016 (12/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Corrigendum 1 - Framework for energy market communications - Part 451-2: Scheduling business process and contextual model for CIM European market IEC 62351:2016 SER (09/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - ALL PARTS IEC TR 62351-13:2016 (09/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 13: Guidelines on security topics to be covered in standards and specifications IEC TS 62478:2016 (29/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 High voltage test techniques - Measurement of partial discharges by electromagnetic and acoustic methods IEC TS 62600-2:2016 (10/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 2: Design requirements for marine energy systems IEC TS 62600-102:2016 (09/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 102: Wave energy converter power performance assessment at a second location using measured assessment data IEC 62629-22-1:2016 PRV (05/08/2016) Ed. 2.0 3D display devices - Part 22-1: Measuring methods for autostereoscopic displays - Optical IEC 62660-3:2016 (29/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 3: Safety requirements IEC TS 62666:2016 (09/08/2016) Ed. 2.0 Guidelines for the inclusion of documentation aspects in product standards IEC TS 62668-2:2016 (09/08/2016) Ed. 2.0 Process management for avionics - Counterfeit prevention - Part 2: Managing electronic components from non-franchised sources IEC 62679-4-2:2016 (29/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Electronic paper displays - Part 4-2: Environmental test methods IEC 62680-1-3:2016 (17/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Universal serial bus interfaces for data and power - Part 1-3: Universal Serial Bus interfaces - Common components - USB Type-C™ cable and connector specification IEC 62772:2016 (17/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Composite hollow core station post insulators for substations with a.c. voltage greater than 1 000 V and d.c. voltage greater than 1 500 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria IEC 62841-3-9:2014/COR2:2016 (30/08/2016) Ed. 1.0 Corrigendum 2 - Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 3-9: Particular requirements for transportable mitre saws información Biblioteca Génova, 6. 28004 MADRID Dotada de la más completa colección de normas y documentos relativos a normalización y certificación, es de acceso libre al público de lunes a jueves de 09:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 18:00, viernes sólo en horario de mañana. En ella podrá consultar: Normas nacionales UNE, europeas, internacionales y de los principales organismos de normalización de todo el mundo. Publicaciones y revistas especializadas, textos legislativos del BOE y del DOCE. Las delegaciones de AENOR disponen de un servicio para la consulta directa de las normas UNE en sus oficinas.

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