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80 Normas Europeas CEN/TC BIO-BASED PRODUCTS prEN 16766 Bio-based solvents - Requirements and test methods Fecha Límite: 2016-11-24 CEN/TC PROJECT COMMITTEE - SERVICES OF MEDICAL DOCTORS WITH ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION IN HOMEOPATHY FprEN 16872 Services of Medical Doctors with additional qualification in Homeopathy (MDQH) - Requirements for health care provision by Medical Doctors with additional qualification in Homeopathy Fecha Límite: 2016-07-05 CEN/TC NUCLEAR ENERGY, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, AND RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION prEN ISO 28057 Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations in radiotherapy (ISO 28057:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-14 CEN/TC PROJECT COMMITTEE - FUEL LABELLING prEN 16942 Fuels - Identification of vehicle compatibility - Graphical expression for consumer information Fecha Límite: 2016-06-30 CEN/TC SECRETARÍA CENTRAL prEN ISO 80000-2 Quantities and units - Part 2: Mathematics (ISO/DIS 80000- 2:2016) Fecha Límite: 2016-10-07 prEN ISO 80000-10 Quantities and units - Part 10: Atomic and nuclear physics (ISO/DIS 80000-10:2016) Fecha Límite: 2016-10-17 prEN ISO 9202 Jewellery - Fineness of precious metal alloys (ISO 9202:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11210 Jewellery - Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys - Gravimetric method after precipitation of diammonium hexachloroplatinate (ISO 11210:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11426 Jewellery - Determination of gold in gold jewellery alloys - Cupellation method (fire assay) (ISO 11426:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11427 Jewellery - Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide (ISO 11427:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11490 Jewellery - Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys - Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime (ISO 11490:2015) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11494 Jewellery - Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys - ICP-OES method using yttrium as internal standard element (ISO 11494:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 11495 Jewellery - Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys - ICP-OES method using yttrium as internal standard element (ISO 11495:2014) Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN ISO 6145-6 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic methods - Part 6: Critical flow orifices (ISO/DIS 6145-6:2016) Fecha Límite: 2016-06-24 CEN/CLC/TC CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BODIES FprEN ISO/IEC/TS 17021-2 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems (ISO/IEC/TS 17021-2:2012) Fecha Límite: 2016-06-23 FprEN ISO/IEC/TS 17021-3 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management systems (ISO/IEC/TS 17021-3:2013) Fecha Límite: 2016-06-23 CEN/CLC/TC QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND CORRESPONDING GENERAL ASPECTS FOR MEDICAL DEVICES FprEN ISO 15223-1 Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied - Part 1: General requirements (ISO/FDIS 15223-1:2016) Fecha Límite: 2016-09-21 CEN/CLC/TC PROJECT COMMITTEE - SERVICES FOR FIRE SAFETY AND SECURITY SERVICES FprEN 16763 Services for fire safety systems and security systems Fecha Límite: 2016-09-22 CEN/CLC/TC SPACE FprEN 16603-10 Space engineering - System engineering general requirements Fecha Límite: 2016-10-28 prEN 16602-70-14 Space product assurance - Corrosion Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN 16603-10-24 Space engineering - Interface management Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21 prEN 16603-50-15 Space engineering - CANbus extention protocol Fecha Límite: 2016-07-21

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