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58 Normas Europeas FprEN 15316-3 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3: Space distribution systems (DHW, heating and cooling), Module M3-6, M4-6, M8-6 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-1 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-1: Space heating and DHW generation systems, combustion systems (boilers, biomass), Module M3-8-1, M8-8-1 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-2 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems, Module M3-8-2, M8-8-2 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-3 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-3: Heat generation systems, thermal solar and photovoltaic systems, Module M3-8-3, M8-8-3, M11-8-3 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-4 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration systems, Module M8-3-4, M8-8-4, M8-11-4 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-5 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-5: District heating and cooling, Module M3-8-5, M4-8-5, M8-8-5, M11-8-5 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-8 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-8: Space heating generation systems, air heating and overhead radiant heating systems, including stoves (local), Module M3-8-8 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-4-10 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-10: Wind power generation systems, Module M11-8-7 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15316-5 Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling), M3-7, M8-7 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15378-1 Energy performance of buildings - Heating systems and DHW in buildings - Part 1: Inspection of boilers, heating systems and DHW, Module M3-11, M8-11 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15378-3 Energy performance of buildings - Heating and DHW systems in buildings - Part 3: Measured energy performance, Module M3-10, M8-10 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 FprEN 15459-1 Energy performance of buildings - Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings - Part 1: Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings, Module M1-14 Fecha Límite: 2017-01-05 CEN/TC WATER ANALYSIS FprEN 16859 Water quality - Guidance standard on monitoring freshwater pearl mussel (margaritifera margaritifera) populations and their environment Fecha Límite: 2016-11-03 FprEN 16870 Water quality - Guidance standard on determining the hydromorphological conditions of lakes Fecha Límite: 2016-11-03 FprEN ISO 5667-16 Water quality - Sampling - Part 16: Guidance on biotesting of samples (ISO/FDIS 5667-16:2016) Fecha Límite: 2017-01-07 FprEN ISO 11731 Water quality - Enumeration of Legionella (ISO/FDIS 11731:2016) Fecha Límite: 2017-01-11 prEN 17075 Water quality - General requirements and performance test procedures for water monitoring equipment - Measuring devices Fecha Límite: 2017-04-06 CEN/TC MECHANICAL VIBRATION AND SHOCK EN ISO 28927-4:2010/prA1 Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 4: Straight grinders - Amendment 1: Cupped wire brushes (ISO 28927-4:2010/DAM 1:2016) Fecha Límite: 2017-02-09 CEN/TC TEST GASES, TEST PRESSURES AND CATEGORIES OF APPLIANCES prEN 437 Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories Fecha Límite: 2017-04-06 CEN/TC NATURAL STONES prEN 12407 Natural stone test methods - Petrographic examination Fecha Límite: 2016-10-27 prEN 12440 Natural stone - Denomination criteria Fecha Límite: 2016-10-27 prEN 12670 Natural stone - Terminology Fecha Límite: 2016-10-27

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