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28 Normas Internacionales ISO/DIS 7063* Rolling bearings — Needle roller bearing track rollers — Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values (Revision of ISO 7063:2003) 2017-05-10 ISO/DIS 20056-2* Rolling bearings — Load ratings for hybrid bearings with rolling elements made of ceramic — Part 2: Static load ratings 2017-05-08 TC 8 SHIPS AND MARINE TECHNOLOGY ISO/DIS 20053* Ships and marine technology — Marine environment protection — Guidance on design and selection of sorbents TC 20 AIRCRAFT AND SPACE VEHICLES ISO/DIS 16157* Space systems — Human-life activity support systems and equipment integration in space flight — Technomedical requirements for space vehicle human habitation environments 2017-05-04 ISO/DIS 16726* Space systems — Human-life activity support systems and equipment integration in space flight — Technomedical requirements for space vehicle human habitation environments — Requirements for the air quality affected by harmful chemical contaminants 2017-05-04 ISO/DIS 17763* Space systems — Human-life activity support systems and equipment integration in space flight 2017-05-04 TC 22 ROAD VEHICLES ISO/DIS 21308-6* Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP) — Part 6: Coding of hook loader bodywork 2017-05-03 ISO/DIS 21308-7* Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and body work manufacturers (BEP) — Part 7: Coding of skip loader bodywork 2017-05-03 TC 29 SMALL TOOLS ISO/DIS 1703* Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Nomenclature (Revision of ISO 1703:2005) 2017-05-16 TC 31 TYRES, RIMS AND VALVES ISO/DIS 19940* Tyre stiffness index testing procedure for passenger extended mobility and run flat tyres 2017-05-09 ISO/DIS 4250-2* Earth-mover tyres and rims — Part 2: Loads and inflation pressures (Revision of ISO 4250-2:2014) 2017-05-03 TC 34 FOOD PRODUCTS ISO 6888-1:1999/DAmd 2* Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) — Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium — Amendment 2: Inclusion of an alternative confirmation procedure 2017-05-15 ISO/IEC 23001-11:2015/PDAM 3 Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 11: Energy-efficient media consumption (green metadata) — Amendment 3 ISO/IEC CD 23001-13 Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 13: Media orchestration ISO/IEC 23008-2/PDAM 3 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 2: High efficiency video coding — Amendment 3 ISO/IEC 23008-4/PDAM 1 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 4: MMT reference and conformance software — Amendment 1 ISO/IEC PDTS 20071-15 Information technology — User interface component accessibility — Part 15: Guidance on scanning visual information for presentation as text in various modalities ISO/IEC CD 29138-1 Information technology — Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities — Part 1: User needs summary ISO/IEC CD 19785-3 Information technology — Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework — Part 3: Patron format specifications ISO/IEC CD 30137-2 Use of biometrics in video surveillance systems — Part 2: Performance testing and reporting Proyectos de Normas (DIS Circulated) Periodo comprendido entre el 1 y el 28 de febrero de 2017. Estos documentos han obtenido un consenso en el seno de sus comités correspondientes y se han sometido a los organismos miembros para su votación antes de la fecha indicada. (*) Actualmente disponibles sólo en inglés. Fecha límite de voto PC 245 CROSS-BORDER TRADE OF SECOND-HAND GOODS ISO/DIS 20245* Cross-border trade of second-hand goods (Revision of ISO/TS 20245:2014) 2017-05-05 TC 4 ROLLING BEARINGS ISO/DIS 3096* Rolling bearings — Needle rollers — Boundary dimensions, geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values (Revision of ISO 3096:1996, ISO 3096:1996/Cor 1:1999) 2017-05-10

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