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71 Notificación: G/TBT/N/USA/1298 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry: Alternative Monitoring Method. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to amend the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry. In the “Rules and Regulations” section of this issue of the Federal Register, we are publishing a direct final rule, without a prior proposed rule, that temporarily revises the testing and monitoring requirements for hydrochloric acid (HCl) due to the current unavailability of HCl calibration gases used for quality assurance purposes. If we receive no adverse comment, we will not take further action on this proposed rule. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment. Notificación: G/TBT/N/USA/1300 Trade Regulation Rule Concerning Deceptive Advertising as to Sizes of Viewable Pictures Shown by Television Receiving Sets. As part of its systematic review of all current FTC rules and guides, the Commission requests public comment on the overall costs, benefits, necessity, and regulatory and economic impact of the FTC’s Trade Regulation Rule concerning Deceptive Advertising as to Sizes of Viewable Pictures Shown by Television Receiving Sets (“Rule” or “Picture Tube Rule”). Objeto y razón de ser: Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection. MÉXICO Notificación: G/TBT/N/MEX/362 Proyecto de modificación a la norma oficial mexicana NOM-050-SEMARNAT-1993, que establece los niveles máximos permisibles de emisión de gases contaminantes provenientes del escape de los vehículos automotores en circulación que usan gas licuado de petróleo, gas natural u otros combustibles alternos como combustibles, para quedar como norma oficial mexicana NOM-050-SEMARNAT-2017, que establece los límites máximos permisibles de emisión de gases contaminantes provenientes del escape de los vehículos automotores en circulación que usan gas licuado de petróleo, gas natural u otros combustibles alternos. Esta norma es de observancia obligatoria para los propietarios o legales poseedores de los vehículos automotores que circulan en el país y que usan gas licuado de petróleo, gas natural u otros combustibles alternos para su propulsión motriz. Asimismo, están obligados a su cumplimiento los responsables de los Centros de Verificación Vehicular y, en su caso, de las Unidades de Verificación. Se excluyen de la aplicación de la presente norma, vehículos con peso bruto vehicular menor de 400 kilogramos, vehículos híbridos, motocicletas, tractores agrícolas, maquinaria dedicada a las industrias de la construcción y de la minería; así como aquellos vehículos automotores que circulen en las entidades federativas de Ciudad de México, Hidalgo, Estado de México, Morelos, Puebla y Tlaxcala que utilicen gas natural (GN), gas licuado de petróleo (GLP) y combustibles alternos. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment. RUANDA Notificación: G/TBT/N/RWA/56 Domestic portable biogas-Requirements G/TBT/N/RWA/56 This Draft Rwanda Standard covers the requirements and methods of test for the domestic portable plastic biogas used for biogas energy production in home cooking and lighting. The standard is not applicable to underground biogas and institutional biogas. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment, Quality requirements. SINGAPUR Notificación: G/TBT/N/SGP/35 Annex A – Workflow on the certification of WELS products by accredited CBs for WELS, 1 page, English. Annex B – Public Utilities (Water Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 2017, 21 pages, English. Draft Public Utilities (Water Supply) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2017, 2 pages, English - Notice will be published in the Republic of Singapore’s Government Gazette and on PUB’s website when adopted. Product compliance and issuance of water efficiency label by Certification Bodies (CBs) for WELS accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) for products under MWELS and VWELS. The workflow on certification of WELS products and issuance of WELS labels by CBs is in Annex A. The requirements for water efficiency labelling is in Annex B. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment. SUECIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/SWE/132 Förordning om ändring i förordningen (1998:944) om förbud m.m. i vissa fall i samband med hantering, införsel och utförsel av kemiska produkter. The placing on the market of rinse-off cosmetics that contain plastic particles which have been added for exfoliating, cleaning and polishing purposes is prohibited. An exception is made for plastic particles that consist only of naturally occurring polymers that have not been chemically modified. Derogations may be granted for plastic particles that have been produced with naturally occurring polymers as a raw material if it is shown that they biodegrate quickly to monomers in an aquatic environment and that they are not liable to cause damage to aquatic organisms. Plastic particles is defined as solid particles of plastic which are 5 mm or less in size in any dimension and which are insoluble in water. Plastic is defined as a polymer within the meaning of Article 3(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, to which additives or other substances may have been added. The ban may enter into force on 1 January 2018 at the earliest. A transition rule will allow distributors to the sell rinse-off cosmetics containing plastic particles for six months after the entry into force provided that the cosmetic products have been placed on the Swedish market before the date of entry into force. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment.

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