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42 Normalización Internacional TC 207 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ISO 14055-1:2017 * Environmental management — Guidelines for estab-lishing good practices for combatting land degradation and desertification — Part 1: Good practices framework ISO/TR 14073:2017 Environmental management — Water footprint — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14046 TC 209 CLEANROOMS AND ASSOCIATED CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS ISO 14644-15:2017 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 15: Assessment of suitability for use of equip-ment and materials by airborne chemical concentra-tion TC 213 DIMENSIONAL AND GEOMETRICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND VERIFICATION ISO 14253-1:2017 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equip-ment — Part 1: Decision rules for verifying conformity or nonconformity with specifications TC 215 HEALTH INFORMATICS ISO/IEEE 11073-10101:2004/Amd 1:2017 Health informatics — Point-of-care medical device communication — Part 10101: Nomenclature — Amendment 1: Additional definitions ISO/IEEE 11073-10422:2017 * Health informatics — Personal health device commu-nication — Part 10422: Device specialization — Urine analyser ISO/IEEE 11073-10441:2015 Health informatics — Personal health device commu-nication — Part 10441: Device specialization — Cardio-vascular fitness and activity monitor ISO 11615:2017 * Health informatics — Identification of medicinal prod-ucts — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information ISO 11616:2017 * Health informatics — Identification of medicinal prod-ucts — Data elements and structures for unique iden-tification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information ISO/TS 20443:2017 * Health informatics — Identification of medicinal pro-ducts — Implementation guidelines for ISO 11615 data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product infor-mation ISO/TS 20451:2017 * Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Implementation guidelines for ISO 11616 data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information TC 218 TIMBER ISO 13061-10:2017 * Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test methods for small clear wood specimens — Part 10: Determination of impact bending strength ISO 13061-11:2017 * Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test methods for small clear wood specimens — Part 11: De-termination of resistance to impact indentation ISO 13061-12:2017 * Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test methods for small clear wood specimens — Part 12: De-termination of static hardness ISO 13061-17:2017 * Physical and mechanical properties of wood — Test meth-ods for small clear wood specimens — Part 17: Determina-tion of ultimate stress in compression parallel to grain TC 228 TOURISM AND RELATED SERVICES ISO 13687-1:2017 Tourism and related services — Yacht harbours — Part 1: Minimum requirements for basic service level harbours ISO 20410:2017 * Tourism and related services — Bareboat charter — Minimum service and equipment requirements TC 229 NANOTECHNOLOGIES ISO/TR 18637:2016 Nanotechnologies — Overview of available frame-works for the development of occupational exposure limits and bands for nano-objects and their aggre-gates and agglomerates (NOAAs) ISO/TR 19057:2017 * Nanotechnologies — Use and application of acellular in vitro tests and methodologies to assess nanomate-rial biodurability ISO/TS 20477:2017 Nanotechnologies — Standard terms and their defini-tion for cellulose nanomaterial TC 232 LEARNING SERVICES OUTSIDE FORMAL EDUCATION ISO 29993:2017 Learning services outside formal education — Service requirements TC 238 SOLID BIOFUELS ISO 19743:2017 Solid biofuels — Determination of content of heavy ex-traneous materials larger than 3,15 mm TC 258 PROJECT, PROGRAMME AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ISO 21503:2017 Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on programme management TC 260 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ISO/TR 30406:2017 Human resource management — Sustainable employ-ability management for organizations

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