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68 Normalización Europea CEN/TC 305 POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES - EXPLOSION PREVENTION AND PROTECTION EN ISO/IEC 80079-20-2:2016/AC:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-2: Material characte-ristics - Combustible dusts test methods - Technical Co-rrigendum 1 (ISO/IEC 80079-20-2:2016/Cor 1:2017) CEN/TC 319 MAINTENANCE EN 17007:2017 Maintenance process and associated indicators CEN/TC 333 CYCLES EN 15194:2017 Cycles - Electrically power assisted cycles - EPAC Bicycles CEN/TC 342 METAL HOSES, HOSE ASSEMBLIES, BELLOWS AND EXPANSION JOINTS CEN/TR 14585-3:2017 Corrugated metal hose assemblies for pressure appli-cations - Part 3: Design method CEN/TC 351 CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS. ASSESSMENT OF RELEASE OF DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES CEN/TR 17113:2017 Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Radiation from construc-tion products - Dose assessment of emitted gamma radiation EN 16516:2017 Construction products: Assessment of release of dan-gerous substances - Determination of emissions into indoor air CEN/TC 430 NUCLEAR ENERGY, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, AND RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION EN ISO 15382:2017 Radiological protection - Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extre-mities (ISO 15382:2015) EN ISO 15651:2017 Nuclear energy - Determination of total hydrogen con-tent in PuO2 and UO2 powders and UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 sintered pellets - Inert gas extraction and con-ductivity detection method (ISO 15651:2015) EN ISO 16424:2017 Nuclear energy - Evaluation of homogeneity of Gd dis-tribution within gadolinium fuel blends and determi-nation of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel pellets by measurements of uranium and gadolinium elements (ISO 16424:2012) EN ISO 16638-1:2017 Radiological protection - Monitoring and internal dosi-metry for specific materials - Part 1: Inhalation of ura-nium compounds (ISO 16638-1:2015) EN ISO 17099:2017 Radiological protection - Performance criteria for la-boratories using the cytokinesis block micronucleus (CBMN) assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes for bio-logical dosimetry (ISO 17099:2014) EN ISO 18589-2:2017 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 2: Guidance for the selection of the sampling strategy, sampling and pre-treatment of samples (ISO 18589-2:2015) EN ISO 18589-3:2017 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 3: Test method of gamma-emitting ra-dionuclides using gamma-ray spectrometry (ISO 18589-3:2015) EN ISO 19017:2017 Guidance for gamma spectrometry measurement of radioactive waste (ISO 19017:2015) EN ISO 19238:2017 Radiological protection - Performance criteria for ser-vice laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics (ISO 19238:2014) EN ISO 20553:2017 Radiation protection - Monitoring of workers occupa-tionally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material (ISO 20553:2006) EN ISO 20785-1:2017 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 1: Conceptual basis for measurements (ISO 20785-1:2012) EN ISO 20785-2:2017 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 2: Characterization of instrument respon-se (ISO 20785-2:2011) EN ISO 20785-3:2017 Dosimetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 3: Measurements at aviation altitudes (ISO 20785-3:2015) EN ISO 21483:2017 Determination of solubility in nitric acid of plutonium in unirradiated mixed oxide fuel pellets (U, Pu) O2 (ISO 21483:2013) EN ISO 21613:2017 (U, Pu)O2 Powders and sintered pellets - Determination of chlorine and fluorine (ISO 21613:2015) EN ISO 29661:2017 Reference radiation fields for radiation protection - De-finitions and fundamental concepts (ISO 29661:2012, including Amd 1:2015) CEN/TC 434 PROJECT COMMITTEE - ELECTRONIC INVOICING CEN/TR 16931-6:2017 Electronic invoicing - Part 6: Result of the test of EN 16931-1 with respect to its practical application for an end user CEN/TS 16931-3-2:2017 Electronic invoicing - Part 3-2: Syntax binding for ISO/ IEC 19845 (UBL 2.1) invoice and credit note

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