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68 Notificaciones OMC the spectral range of 400 nm to 2 800 nm and measurement of emitted radiation in the range 10³ W • m² to 10² W • m²” (15 pages, in English; 15 pages, in Czech). This general measure establishes metrological and technical requirements for legal measuring instruments, including testing methods for the type approval and verification of the legal measuring instruments, which in this case are “optical radiometers for the spectral range of 400 nm to 2 800 nm and measurement of emitted radiation in the range 10³ W • m² to 10² W • m²”. Objeto y razón de ser: Optical radiometers for the spectral range of 400 nm to 2 800 nm and measurement of emitted radiation in the range 10³ W • m² to 10² W • m² are legal measuring instruments pursuant to § 3(3) of Act No 505/1990, on metrology, as amended, and are therefore subject to state metrological control, i.e. type approval and verification of legal measuring instruments. Currently, no regulations contain specific metrological and technical requirements. This state of affairs needs to be addressed by incorporating the requirements into a binding general measure within the meaning of § 24c of Act No 505/1990 on metrology, as amended, in order to prevent problems with their enforceability during type approval and subsequent verification. REPÚBLICA DE COREA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/616 Proposed amendments to the “Regulation on Quasi-Drug Approval, Notification and Review” (36 pages, in Korean). Expand the designation of products containing problematic ingredients regarding safety and efficacy: inhalants and other types of products containing polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG), Oligo (2-(2-ethyoxy) ethoxyethylguanidium chloride (PGH), products containing more than 0.05% of Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), and products containing dipropylisocinchomeronate. Adjust the allowed range of use for preservatives in quasidrug by only allowing the use of methylchloro-isothiazolinone and methylisothia-zolinone for external preparations and under 0.0015%. For products that are same (in ingredient, specification, dosage, type, efficacy, etc.) as a quasi-drug that has undergone re-evaluation, mandate the submission of safety and efficacy data (clinical, toxicity). Objeto y razón de ser: For balanced review of quasi-drug products’ approval, notification and examination and strengthened safety management. UNIÓN EUROPEA Notificación: G/TBT/N/EU/324 Draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 414/2013 specifying a procedure for the authorisation of same biocidal products in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5 pages, in English). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 414/2013 specifies a simplified procedure for granting different authorisations, e.g. to different authorisation holders, of biocidal products which are identical in respect of everything (having the same properties), except some administrative details. The notified draft Commission Implementing Regulation México guarda relación comercial, se ha emitido esta regulación en carácter de emergencia. Asimismo, con el fin de promover el desarrollo eficiente de las actividades de producción, transporte, almacenamiento, distribución y expendio al público de petrolíferos y salvaguardar la prestación de dichos servicios, fomentar una sana competencia en el sector, proteger los intereses de los usuarios, propiciar una adecuada cobertura nacional y atender a la confiabilidad, estabilidad y seguridad en las actividades permisionadas, es necesario contar con una regulación técnica de observancia obligatoria que establezca las especificaciones de dichos petrolíferos, para lo cual se ha diseñado un marco normativo que cumple con dicho objeto. El carácter de emergencia deriva de la necesidad de evitar que se genere un vacío regulatorio a partir de 2016 a las personas a quienes aplica la obligación que les imponen los artículos 78 y 79 de la Ley de Hidrocarburos, relativa a las especificaciones de calidad de los petrolíferos y sus métodos de prueba. En tal virtud, se reitera que resulta necesario que la Comisión Reguladora de Energía emita de manera inmediata esta disposición de emergencia con el objetivo de establecer las especificaciones de calidad que deben cumplir los petrolíferos en cada etapa de la cadena de producción y suministro, en territorio nacional, con el objeto último de promover el desarrollo eficiente de dichas actividades, proteger los intereses de los usuarios, propiciar una adecuada cobertura nacional, atendiendo la confiabilidad, estabilidad y seguridad en el suministro y prestación de los servicios inherentes. REPÚBLICA CHECA Notificación: G/TBT/N/CZE/185 Draft – General measure laying down metrological and technical requirements for legal measuring instruments, including tests for the verification of legal measuring instruments:   “automatic weighing instruments – catchweighing instruments” (11 pages, in English; 11 pages, in Czech). This general measure will lay down the metrological and technical requirements for legal measuring instruments, including the tests for the verification thereof, which in this case are automatic weighing instruments – catchweighing instruments. Objeto y razón de ser: Within the meaning of § 3(3) of Act No 505/1990 on metrology, as amended, automatic weighing instruments – catchweighing instruments are legal measuring instruments and are, therefore, subject to state metrological control, i.e. the verification of legal measuring instruments. The specific metrological and technical requirements are currently contained in Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments, as well as in harmonised standards and national technical standards. This state of affairs needs to be addressed by incorporating the requirements into a binding general measure within the meaning of § 24c of Act No 505/1990 on metrology, as amended, in order to prevent problems with their enforceability in subsequent verification. Notificación: G/TBT/N/CZE/186 Draft general measure establishing metrological and technical requirements for specified measurement instruments, including testing methods for the type approval and verification of legal measuring instruments: “optical radiometers for

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