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62 Notificaciones OMC Extruded Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption 6% < E ≤10% ( Group AIIb – Part 1), ES 3168-11/2006 Ceramic Tiles Part (11): Extruded Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption 6% < E ≤10% (Group AIIb – Part 2 ), ES 3168-12/2006 Ceramic Tiles Part (12): Extruded Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption E > 10% (Group AIII ). This Egyptian Standard specifies the requirements and mar-king for extruded ceramic tiles of the best commercial quali-ty. This standard is technically identical with modifications of ISO 13006 / 2012 Annex from (A) to (F) and Annex (M)). The modifications are mentioned in Annex (4) of this Standard. Objeto y razón de ser: Safety requirements Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/112 Ministerial Decree No. 691 for the year 2015 mandating the application of the Egyptian Standard ES:  3168‑2/2015 “Ceramic Tiles Part (2):  Dry Pressed Ceramic Tile” (37pages, in Arabic) to replace Egyptian Standards ES:3168-2/2005, ES:3168-3/2005, ES, ES:3168-5/2005, ES:3168-6/2005 already mandated by Ministerial Decree no. 423/2005. This Ministerial Decree mandates that the producers and importers of dry pressed ceramic tiles must comply with ES 3168-2/2015. Producers and importers are given a transitio-nal period of six months to abide by the standard. This standard replaces Egyptian standards ES:3168-2/2005 Ceramic Tiles – Part (2):Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption E ≤ 0.5% – Group BIa, ES:3168-3/2005 Ceramic Tiles – Part (3): Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorp-tion 0.5% < E ≤ 3% – Group BIb, ES: 3168-4/2005 Ceramic Tiles – Part (4): Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption 3% > E ≤ 6% – Group BIIa, ES 3168-5/2005 – “Ceramic Tiles – Part (5): Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption 6% > E ≤10% – Group BIIb , ES:3168-6/2005 Ceramic Tiles – Part ( 6 ): Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles With Water Absorption E > 10% – Group BIII already mandated by Ministerial Decree no 423/2005. This Egyptian Standard specifies the requirements and mar-king for dry pressed ceramic tiles of the best commercial quality. It is technically identical with modifications with ISO 13006/2012 Annex from (G) to (L).The modifications are men-tioned in Annex (4) of this Standard. Objeto y razón de ser: Safety requirements MALASIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/MYS/59 Draft Amendment to Regulation 361, Food Regulations 1985: General standard for alcoholic beverage (3 pages, in English). To prescribe additional labelling requirements for all pac-kages containing alcoholic beverages with regard to health effect of alcoholic beverages. ii. Amendment of age limit for sale of alcoholic beverages from 18 years to 21 years. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold to any person under the age of 21 years. iii. To prescribe additional requirement to display a signage on health effect of alcoholic beverages and prohibition for sale of alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21 years. Objeto y razón de ser: i. To regulate the sale of alcoholic be-verages to young people as one of the strategies to prevent underage drinking. ii. To limit its accessibility to the high risk group by increa-sing the age limit for sale. iii. To educate consumers on the health effect of consuming alcoholic beverages. iv. To enhance the responsibility of the manufacturers and retailers on the labelling and sale of alcoholic beverages. REPÚBLICA DE COREA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/619 Proposed Revision of the “Labelling Standards for Foods” (163 pages, in Korean). ediciones La Certificación en el sector forestal y de la madera: un valor añadido para gestores forestales y empresas Irene Carráscon Iglesias Una guía dónde se describe y analiza las particularidades, beneficios y dificultades de los principales esquemas de certificación en el sector forestal y de la madera: • La certificación de la gestión forestal. • La certificación de cadena de custodia de productos forestales. • La certificación de calidad de biocombustibles sólidos. Además, encontrará: • Un análisis de los esquemas de certificación que cuentan con mayor reconocimiento en el ámbito nacional e internacional: PEFC, FSC, ENplus y BIOMASUD. • Los aspectos legales relacionados con dichos esquemas. • Los principales aspectos que hay que tener en cuenta en la integración de los esquemas de certificación. 2015 – Ebook – 11,48 € (IVA incluido) EPUB -ISBN: 978-84-8143-874-1 PDF-ISBN: 978-84-8143-873-4 También le destacamos: Colección de Normas UNE Gestión forestal sostenible del servicio AENORmás Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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