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65 TAIWÁN Notificación: G/TBT/N/TPKM/223 Public Notice under the Commodity Inspection Act (1 page, in Chinese, English translation available). Water dispenser (hereinafter referred as “the commodities”) has been subject to mandatory inspection under the Com-modity Inspection Act by the Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) since 1 May 1990. To enhance con-sumer protection and promote efficiency of energy use, the BSMI will revise the inspection standards of the commodi-ties from CNS 3765 (2005), IEC 60335-2-15 (2005-08), CNS 13516 (1999),CNS 13783-1(2004) to CNS 60335-1(2014-11), CNS 60335 2 15(2014-12), CNS 13516(2014-10), CNS 13783- 1(2013-10), and will expand the test items and methods by adding requirements from Section 6.9 “Capacity of inner tank” and 6.11 “Standardized standby loss of every 24 hours, Est,24” of the Standard CNS 13516 (2014 10). In addition to the safety and energy efficiency requirements for water dispenser, the BSMI proposes to require marking of presence conditions of restricted substances. Such markings shall be made in accordance with Section 5 of CNS 15663 (2013-07) on the body, packages, stickers or the instruction books of the product. For those who utilize website as a means to announce “the presence conditions of the restric-ted substances,” the website address shall be clearly stated on the body, packages, stickers or the instruction books of the product. The conformity assessment procedure for Wa-ter Dispenser remains the same, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type Approved Batch Inspection (TABI). Objeto y razón de ser: To enhance the consumer protection, reduce the use of the restricted chemical hazardous substan-ces and promote energy efficiency of electric appliances to achieve the goal of energy conservation and environmental protection. Notificación: G/TBT/N/TPKM/225 Draft of the Organic Agriculture Act (9 pages, in Chinese). To maintain the ecological balance, enhance the quality of organic agricultural products, improve the public health and protect consumer rights, the AFA intends to promulgate “The Organic Agriculture Act” ( hereinafter “the Act”). The Act will come into effect one year after adopted by Taiwan Legislati-ve Yuan, and the AFA will propose implementing measures based on the Act. Organic agriculture is an important part of the sustainable circulation system of the nature and also the key production method for providing safe source of food. For this reason many countries in the world deem organic agriculture as a national green industry policy and provide support and ma-nagement through legislation. Currently the management of Taiwan’s organic agriculture relies on the provisions related to production of agricultural products and the certification management regulations. Although Taiwan stipulates expli-cit regulations governing the requirements for organic pro-duction process, certification management, and the penalties for organic agricultural product inspections, Taiwan is also facing challenges for changes in the environment of domes-tic agricultural production, rigorous requirements for quality from organic consumers, and discretions over the product trade regulations for international organic equivalence. The Act is drafted with 41 articles to promote the sustaina-ble development of Taiwan’s organic agriculture and impro-ve the quality of organic agricultural products, in order to maintain national health, take consideration of the interest and rights of producers and consumers, and achieve the ob-jectives in organic ecology of environment, farmers’ organic production, and the organic live of consumers. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment; Preven-tion of deceptive practices and consumer protection. ediciones Modelo para el gobierno de las TIC basado en las normas ISO C.M. Fernández Sánchez y M. Piattini Velthuis (Coordinadores) Este libro surge como resultado de la aplicación real del modelo de AENOR de gobierno y gestión de las TSI con estándares ISO. Está centrado en la exposición de una metodología y la aplicación de unas buenas prácticas basadas en las normas ISO para ejercer de la mejor manera posible el gobierno y la gestión de las TIC. Su objetivo no es otro que evitar y eliminar duplicidades, optimizar recursos y simplificar al máximo la articulación del modelo de gobierno y de gestión de las TIC. Esta práctica publicación aborda: • Las cuestiones generales relativas al gobierno y gestión de las TIC. • La panorámica de la normalización en esta área. • Qué problema resuelve cada norma ISO presentada, cómo contribuye la misma al gobierno o a la gestión de las TSI, y cuáles son los principales factores críticos de éxito a tener en cuenta a la hora de aplicar las buenas prácticas que recoge dicha norma. • Ejemplos prácticos basados en la experiencia de empresas que han alcanzado su certificación por AENOR. 2012 – 434 páginas – 24,96 € Rústica – ISBN: 978-84-8143-790-4 Ebook – 12 € Formato PDF- ISBN: 978-84-8143-764-5 Formato Ebook ISBN: 978-84-8143-765-2 (IVA incluido) Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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