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64 Notificaciones OMC 2. The Committee on the Control of Marketing of Infant and Young Child Food and Related Products shall be establis-hed and composed of the government, academic, and NGOs representatives. 3. In regards to infant formula, follow-on formula, and con-tinuous milk for young children; manufacturers, importers, and distributors are not allowed, with some exceptions, to engage in following activities; (1) advertising; (2) Sales pro-motion; (3) Offering product samples (4) Donation (5) Offe-ring of object that carries the name, logo, signs, or symbols that may be related to the products to pregnant women, mothers or family members of infant and young children, whether directly or indirectly; (6) Sponsoring events or any other communication means that directly contact with pregnant women, mothers or family members of infant and young children, whether directly or indirectly; (7) Providing object, equipment or service with name, logo, or other sym-bols that links to the product to the organization and health system; (8) Offering gift, money, or other incentives, to me-dical and nursing professionals, or public health personnel (9) Organizing academic training or seminar about infant and young child food, with exception of providing funds to professional medical and public health organization to hold academic meeting and (10) Any other activities prescribed in the Ministerial Notice. 4. Manufacturers, importers, and distributors are not allowed to market the complementary food to pregnant women, mothers and family members of infants aged less than 6 months in the same ways as above mentioned. 5. Producer, importers, or distributors or its representative must provide factual product information to medical, nursing pro-fessional, and public health personnel and not provide infor-mation in following manner; falsely present, distort the details, overstate the benefit or properties, create misunderstanding of key information, claim or certify the benefits without scien-tific evidence, and make reference to breast-milk. 6. Object or communication materials with information on infant formula and follow-on formula must also indica-te the approximate financial cost for feeding infant and young children with infant formula and follow-on formula and warning about health hazards caused by inappropria-te preparation or use of the product. 7. Medical and nursing professionals and public health per-sonnel shall be obliged to provide counselling and educa-tion about the implementation of this Act and notify the Department of Health or the officials when the violation of this Act is observed. 8. Any person who contravenes this Act will be liable for a fine. Medical and nursing professionals and public health personnel who engaged with the misconduct of this Act will be reported to the professional organization to con-sider appropriate measure according to the professional organization. 9. This Act shall come into force 180 days following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. 1 Continuous milk for young children: We want to refer to growing up milk, but there is no Thai word for it. This is the literal translation of the term we used in this act. Objeto y razón de ser: Consumer protection 1. In this Act, it controls the marketing of Infant and young child food and related products that includes: “Infant” means a child from birth under the age of 12 months. “Young child” means a child aged between 12 months to 3 years. “Food for infant and young child” means infant formula, follow-up formula for infant and young children, and continuous milk for young children1, complemen-tary food that are marketed as products for infants and young children, and including other kinds of food for in-fant and young children proclaimed by the Minister with the advice of the Committee. “Related products” means milk containers, milk bottles, teats, or other products proclaimed by the Ministerial No-tice with the advice of the Infant and Young Child Food and Related Products Marketing Committee. ediciones Modelo de madurez de ingeniería del software Carlos Manuel Fernández ¡Mejor Autor de AENOR 2014! El modelo de madurez de ingeniería del software de AENOR (basado en las normas ISO/IEC 15504 e ISO/IEC 12207), ofrece una herramienta eficaz que contribuye a mejorar la calidad del desarrollo y del mantenimiento del software en todo tipo de organizaciones. En este libro se describe este modelo para ayudar a su implantación y utilización en las organizaciones y empresas de desarrollo de software, con el objetivo de simplificar y reducir la complejidad y el coste de implementación de dichas normas, así como lograr una mayor agilidad, adaptación e integración con los procesos y metodologías existentes. 2014 – Rústica - 17 x 24 cm 160 páginas – 31,2 € ISBN: 978-84-8143-867-3 Ebook – 14,52 € EPUB -ISBN: 978-84-8143-869-7 PDF-ISBN: 978-84-8143-868-0 (IVA incluido) También le destacamos: Colección de normas de Tecnología de la información (TI) Software del servicio AENORmás Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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