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67 1) In vitro nucleic acid technique, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or 2) Fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family However, the mandatory labelling is limited to genetically modified foods that retain transgenic DNA fragments or transgenic proteins. Objeto y razón de ser: Consumer information, labelling. SUIZA Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHE/191 Draft government regulation amending Government Regu-lation No 163/2002, laying down technical requirements for selected construction products, as amended by Government Regulation No 312/2005 (10 pages, in English; 10 pages, in Czech). The amendment to Government Regulation No 163/2002 in-creases the number of construction products to be regulated at national level in order to minimise threats to legitimate interests during the use of construction products. So-called stated products that are also construction products must be assessed prior to being placed on the market regarding their conformity with the relevant technical requirements specifica-lly listed by government regulations, in order to implement the act. Technical requirements for harmonised construction pro-ducts (with the CE mark) are regulated by Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council la-ying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of cons-truction products (abbreviated to “CPR”). Harmonisation of technical requirements for construction products at EU level is being constantly carried out through the creation of new har-monised technical specifications. Products are thus continually transferred from the national sphere to the harmonised one. At the same time, however, new atypical products or ver-sions of existing products are entering the market which are not covered by harmonised technical specifications or are covered only partially. Many construction products are not expected to be harmonised in the future. Such products need to be regulated at national level to ensure that their use in a structure does not present a risk to the fulfilment of basic construction requirements. Objeto y razón de ser: The objective of the amendment to Go-vernment Regulation No 163/2002 is to modify existing legis-lation on construction practices and to increase the number of construction products to be regulated at national level in order to minimise threats to legitimate interests (particularly regarding health and safety) during the use of construction products. Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHE/210 Drafts of the following Ordinances: • Radiological protection ordinance (RPO) (Strahlens-chutzverordnung, StSV) (146 pages) • FDHA Ordinance on radiation protecton for non-medical radiation generators (Verordnung des EDI über den Stra-hlenschutz bei nichtmedizinischen Anlagen zur Erzeugung ionisierender Strahlung, SnAV) (16 pages) • FDHA Ordinance on medical use of closed radioactive sources (Verordnung des EDI über den Umgang mit ges-chlossenen radioaktiven Quellen in der Medizin, MeQV) (38 pages) KENIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KEN/454 KS 458: 2015 – Common Salt and Mineral Supplements for Livestock – Specification (9 pages, in English). This Standard prescribes requirements for the composi-tion of common salt and mineral supplements for lives-tock. Minerals are essentially structural and functional elements in animals. They are found in bones, body fluids, body tissues, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. Mine-rals are important in physical, chemical and biological functions. Lack of adequate amounts of minerals leads to poor fertility, general emaciation, and affects productivity. Animals should be fed with minerals in proper propor-tions and quantities. This is because the ratio of minerals in feeds determines the degree to which individual ingre-dients are of use or harm to the animal. Excess consump-tion of some minerals, mostly trace elements, can cause poisoning in animals. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of animal or plant life or health; Quality requirements Notificación: G/TBT/N/KEN/455 DKS 1022:2015 – Specification for 600/1000 V PVC insulated single-phase concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors for electricity supply (10 pages, in English) Specifies requirements and dimensions for PVC-insulated single phase concentric cables for operation on an ear-thed neutral system at nominal voltages up-to and in-cluding 1 000 V between phases and 600 V to earth. The cables have a central phase conductor insulated with red PVC and a concentric layer comprising bare wires (neutral conductor). In any one cable both the phase and neutral conductors are of the same material i.e. both copper or both aluminium. The cables are suitable for underground or general use in situations where the combination of ambient temperature and temperature-rise due to loading current results in a con-ductor temperature not exceeding 70° C. It gives a tabulated schedule of test requirements desig-nating each test under the category of routine test, regular sample test or type test. In addition, two annexes have been added, Annex A giving recommendations for the selection and operation of cables and Annex B providing recommen-dations for the installation of cables. Objeto y razón de ser: Quality requirements; Protection of hu-man health or safety. REPÚBLICA DE COREA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/621 Amendment on the “Functional Health Foods Act” (4 pages, in Korean). Amendment on the “Functional Health Foods Act” was pas-sed at the National Assembly on 31 December 2015. The new amendment includes mandatory labelling for Genetically Modified Foods; Foods or food additives from manufactured or processed agricultural, livestock or marine products de-veloped using modern biotechnology should be labelled as genetically modified foods. Modern biotechnology means the application of:

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