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78 Notificaciones OMC • The trademarks of the products and the trademarked products produced under license from their owners. • A certificate that the producer maintains a quality control system. The certificate should be issued by entities accredited by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) or an Egyptian or foreign governmental entity approved by the Minister of Foreign Trade. Second: For companies owning trademarks: • The submission of an application for registration by the legal representative of the trademark owner company, or an authorized person or its agent accompanied by the following accredited documents: • A certificate stating the registration of the trademark and the trademarked goods produced. • A certificate from the trademark owner company containing the distribution centres that are entitled to supply the products bearing the trademark. • A certificate that the trademark owner company maintains a quality control system. The certificate should be issued by entities accredited by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) or an Egyptian or foreign governmental entity approved by the Minister of Foreign Trade. In case there is a suspicion in the validity of the submitted documents, registration in the relevant registry will not take place until these documents have been verified. Based on a request from the applicant, inspection of the company or manufacturing plant may take place to verify the validity of the documents after having the approval of the Minister of Foreign Trade. Objeto y razón de ser: Quality assurance to prevent deceptive practices and to protect human health or safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/115 Ministerial Decree No.991 /2015 (3 pages, in Arabic). • This Ministerial Decree mandates that the clearance of shipments of imports of the above mentioned products except for what is imported for private and personal use, is subject to the following alternatives: • Alternative 1: The producer is registered in the Egyptian organization for Export and Import control (GOEIC) according to Article 94 of Ministerial Decree no. 770 for year 2005 and its amendments issuing the Executive Regulation to Implement the Import and Export Law. • Alternative 2: The shipment is accompanied by documented and accredited inspection and review certificate containing the shipment data and the required inspection and testing results stipulating the conformity of the shipment with the relevant accredited Egyptian standards. This certificate should be issued by accredited inspection companies accredited by one of the accredited bodies from the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). • Alternative 3: The inspection and review certificate can also be issued by an Egyptian or foreign agency approved by the Minister of Foreign Trade and has accredited and specialized laboratories in the tests required for each product. • In all cases, shipments shall be subject to random inspection by GOEIC. • Dealing with pre-shipment inspection companies or agencies will be suspended for six months in case of non-conformity of the inspection certificates with the results of the random inspection. In case of recurrence, dealing with those companies will be revoked by a decision of the Minister of Foreign Trade. • This Ministerial decree is an addendum to serial no.5 in Annex 3 of Ministerial Decree no. 770 for year 2005 and its amendments issuing the Executive Regulation to Implement the Import and Export Law. Objeto y razón de ser: Quality assurance to prevent deceptive practices and to protect human health or safety. ediciones Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17021 Evaluación de la conformidad. Requisitos para los organismos que realizan la auditoría y la certificación de sistemas de gestión. Diferencias entre las versiones de 2006 y 2011 La norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17021: • Especifica los requisitos para los organismos de certificación que realizan la auditoría y certificación en el campo de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad, de gestión ambiental y de otro tipo. • El cumplimiento de estos requisitos tiene como finalidad asegurar que los organismos de certificación realizan la certificación de los sistemas de gestión de manera competente, coherente e imparcial, facilitando así el reconocimiento de dichos organismos y la aceptación de sus certificaciones en el plano nacional e internacional. • Esta norma sirve como base para facilitar el reconocimiento de la certificación de los sistemas de gestión para conveniencia del comercio internacional. Para mayor utilidad del usuario esta publicación, contiene el texto de la Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17021:2011, destacándose sobre el mismo las modificaciones respecto a la versión del año 2006. 2012 – 434 páginas Ebook – 81,67 € (IVA incluido) Formato PDF- ISBN: 978-84-8143-781-2 Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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