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Notificaciones OMC 71 Organización Mundial del Comercio MARZO CANADÁ Notificación: G/TBT/N/CAN/484 Notice to interested parties – Proposal regarding the scheduling of methylphenidate under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its regulations (2 pages, available in English and French). Methylphenidate is a stimulant currently listed with its salts in Schedule III to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). While methylphenidate has some abuse potential, methylphenidate is also used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the emergence of new psychoactive substances which mimic the effects of controlled substances but which are created to circumvent existing drug legislation. Several substances related to methylphenidate have been identified as new psychoactive substances with similar effects to methylphenidate, but with no approved therapeutic uses. Health Canada is proposing to amend Schedule III to the CDSA by expanding the listing of methylphenidate and its salts to include its derivatives, isomers, and analogues, as well as salts of the derivatives, isomers and analogues. Activities with methylphenidate and its salts are authorized under Part G to the FDR, where they are scheduled as controlled drugs. However, as the derivatives, isomers and analogues of methylphenidate (as well as salts of derivatives, isomers and analogues) have no approved therapeutic uses, Health Canada is proposing to list them under Part J to the FDR. Research or scientific use of these substances could be authorized under Part J of the FDR. Objeto y razón de ser: The purpose of these amendments is to protect public health and public safety. CHILE Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHL/346 Establece Procedimiento para el Sistema de Certificación N° 6 del D.S. 298/2005, del Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción (4 páginas, en español). Establece el procedimiento de aplicación para el Sistema de Certificación N° 6, individualizado en el artículo 5° del D.S. Nº 298, de 2005, del Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción. El Sistema de Certificación N° 6 es aplicable a todos los productos sometidos al sistema de Certificación y que cuenten con una Certificación realizada en el extranjero, que cumplan con los protocolos de ensayos establecidos en Chile. Dichos Organismos de Certificación domiciliados en el extranjero, deberán contar además, con los estándares de Acreditación establecidos en el D.S. N° 298 de 2005. Objeto y razón de ser: Seguridad. Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHL/347 PE Nº 89/1 Proyecto protocolo de análisis y/o ensayos de Encendedores (14 páginas, en español). La propuesta de protocolo establece el procedimiento de certificación para todos los productos que generan una llama, bajo la designación de encendedores de cigarrillos, encendedores de puros, y encendedores de pipa, de acuerdo al alcance de la norma UNE EN ISO 9994:2006. No se aplica a los fósforos ni a otros productos generadores de llama que no estén destinados exclusivamente al encendido de cigarrillos, cigarros y pipas. Este protocolo aplica a aquellos encendedores a combustibles gaseosos o líquidos y también a los comúnmente denominados “encendedores de lujo”, y que cuando el cuerpo del encendedor este conformado por piedras o metales preciosos sólo se ensayará el reservorio de este. Objeto y razón de ser: Seguridad, protección a la salud humana. EGIPTO Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/131 Ministerial Decree No. 691/2015 (3 pages, in Arabic) giving a six month transitional period to abide by Egyptian Standards ES 375/2015 “portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers” (81 pages, in Arabic). This Ministerial decree mandates that the producers and importers must comply with ES375/2015, the earlier version of which was already mandated. Producers and importers are given a six-month transitional period to comply. This Egyptian standard specifies the minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, performance, handling, testing, maintenance and filling or refilling of portable fire extinguishers which work with carbon dioxide and have a body made of steel without soldering, with capacities of 2, 3, 5 & 6 kg, provided that the full weight of fire extinguisher apparatus with the Package and all accessories does not exceed twenty-five kilograms. This standard complies with: • DIN EN 3-7:2007 – Portable fire extinguishers – Part 7: Characteristics, performance requirements and test methods • DIN EN 3-8:2007, including its corrigenda issued in 2008 – Portable fire extinguishers – Part 8: Additional requirements to EN 3- 7 for the construction, resistance to pressure and mechanical tests for extinguishers with a maximum allowable pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar • EN 3-9:2008 – Portable fire extinguishers – Part 9: Additional requirements to EN 3-7 for pressure resistance of CO2 extinguishers • EN 3-10:2010 – Portable fire extinguishers – Part 10: Provisions for evaluating the conformity of a portable fire extinguisher to EN 3-7 • ISO 7165 – Fire fighting – Portable fire extinguishers – Performance and construction Objeto y razón de ser: Safety requirements. Notificación: G/TBT/N/EGY/142 Ministerial Decree No 692/2015 (3 pages, in Arabic) mandating the Egyptian Standard ES 7940:2015 “Uniform provisions

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