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78 Notificaciones OMC Act section 608 prohibition on venting, release, or disposal on the basis of current evidence that its venting, release, or disposal does not pose a threat to the environment. In addition, this action proposes to apply unacceptability determinations for foam-blowing agents to closed cell foam products and products containing closed cell foam that are manufactured or imported using these foam-blowing agents. This action also proposes to clarify the listing for Powdered Aerosol D (Stat- Xsupreg), which is currently listed as both acceptable and acceptable subject to use conditions, by removing the listing as acceptable subject to use conditions. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment. INDIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/IDN/105 1 Regulation of Minister of Industry No.60/M-IND/ PER/7/2015 on Mandatory Implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Biscuit 2 Regulation of Minister of Industry No. 96/M-IND/PER/11/2015 concerning the Amendment of the Regulation No. 60/MIND/ PER/7/2015 on Mandatory Implementation of Indonesia National Standard for Biscuit (12 pages, in Indonesian). This regulation states that all biscuit produced within the country or imported, distributed and marketed in the country shall fulfil the SNI requirements. The producers which produced these products therefore shall be packed and comply with the requirements of SNI proven by having Product Certificate for Using SNI Mark and put SNI mark on every product. The product certificate on SNI marking shall be issued by a Product Certification Body which has been accredited by KAN and appointed by the Minister of Industry through: 1. Testing of the conformity of the products quality against SNI requirements; and 2. Audit on the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) SNI ISO 9001:2008 or its revision or other Food Safety Management Sytem. Directorate General of Agro Based Industry, Ministry of Industry is the institution that is responsible for the implementation of this decree and shall provide a technical guidance of the decree, which cover procedure of Product Certification and SNI Marking. Products which are distributed in domestic market that originated domestically and imported shall meet the requirements consisted in SNI 2973:2011, which specify definition, quality requirements and testing method. Objeto y razón de ser: To protect consumers from safety aspect; To improve public health; To increase the product quality. Notificación: G/TBT/N/IDN/106 Regulation of Minister of Trade No. 97/M-DAG/PER/11/2015 concerning the Provision of Forestry Product Importation (32 pages, in Indonesian). The regulation states that the importer of every forestry products (consists of 356 HS) as mentioned in the Annex of the Regulation, must meet the import requirements such as : a) Forestry Legality Products b) API – U (General – Importer Identification Number) for traded and/or transferable forestry products c) API – P (Producer – Importer Identification Number) for products used as raw or auxiliary materials for production process purposes only d) Import Approval from Minister of Trade The company should apply Import Procedure and submit the report of the Import Realization through the portal http://inatrade. or Indonesia National Single Window portal (INSW). In case of force majeure, all of the request of application and report can be done manually. In addition, this regulation also required post audit assessment to assess company who receives the import recommendation. These activities are to ensure the compliance with the Regulation. Objeto y razón de ser: To enhance national competitiveness and to simplify the import license procedure. ISRAEL Notificación: G/TBT/N/ISR/907 SI 959 part 1 - Pepper (Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground - Specification: White pepper (7 pages in Hebrew and 14 pages in English); SI 959 part 2 - Pepper (Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground - Specification: Black pepper (7 pages in Hebrew and 12 pages in English). Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 408, dealing with Pepper (Piper nigrum L.), to be replaced with SI 959 parts 1 and 2. These draft standard revisions adopts the International Standards ISO 959-1 - Second edition: 1998-05-15 and the International Standards ISO 959-2 - Second edition: 1998-05-15, accordingly and therefore are significantly different from the old standard. The major differences between the old version and these new revised draft standards are as follow: • Divides the standards to two parts dealing with white and black pepper separately; • Adds references to Israel national laws, regulations and official documents; • Deletes paragraph 106 dealing with compliance. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/ISR/912 SI 579 part 1.1 – Solar water heating systems: Solar collectors – General requirements (16 pages, in English; 8 pages, in Hebrew) SI 579 part 1.2 – Solar water heating systems: Solar collectors – Test methods (126 pages, in English; 8 pages, in Hebrew). Revision of the mandatory standard SI 579 part 1 and the voluntary standards SI 579 Parts 3, 7, 10.1 and 10.2, to be replaced with SI 579 parts 1.1 and 1.2. These draft revisions adopt the following International Standards accordingly: European Standards EN 12975-1: 2006 + A1: October 2010 and ISO 9806 – First edition: 2013-11-15. The new standards are significantly different from the old standards as this revision includes both a re-division of the old standards content and an adoption of 2 different International Standards. The major difference between the old version and this new revised draft standard is that it adds to the standard’s scope new types of solar collectors. In addition, the standards’ Hebrew sections include deviations from the adopted International standards. The major difference is the special labelling requirements appearing in SI 579 part 1.1 paragraph 7.2.

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