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80 Notificaciones OMC deliveries of petrol have been made since 6 weeks before the beginning of the season, is regarded as complying with this specification for up to 6 weeks after the beginning of the season. • If petrol contains methanol greater than 1 percent by volume, the seller of the petrol must ensure that the dispensing pump or container is clearly marked to display - • The maximum percentage by volume of methanol that the petrol contains (which must be no greater than the limit set out in Schedule 1 of the Regulations); and • The words “May not be suitable for all vehicles/engines. Check with the manufacturer before use.” • Biodiesel blend limit in diesel increased from 5% volume to 7% volume. • Minimum oxidation stability in biodiesel increased from 6 hours to 8 hours. • New standard for petrol blended with more than 70 percent and not more than 85 percent ethanol with the following specifications: • Acidity (as acetic acid) – 0.006% m/m maximum to be tested using ASTM D1613; • Copper strip corrosion (3 hours at 500C) – No. 1 maximum to be tested using ASTM D130; • Ethanol – 70-85% v/v to be tested using ASTM D5501; • Final boiling point (distillation) – 2100C maximum to be tested using ASTM D86; • Inorganic chloride – 1 mg/kg maximum to be tested using ASTM D7319 or ASTM D7328; • Methanol – 1.0% v/v maximum to be tested using ASTM D5501; • pHe – 6.5-9.0 to be tested using ASTM D6423; • Silver strip corrosion – Class 1 maximum to be tested using ASTM D130; • Solvent washed gum – 5 mg/100 mL maximum to be tested using ASTM 3831; • Sulphur – 50 mg/kg maximum up to 31 December 2017 and then 10 mg/kg maximum from 1 July 2018 to be tested using ASTM D5453 or IP 497; • Vapour pressure (DVPE) – for regular and premium grade petrol blended with more than 70% and less than 85% volume ethanol, the minimum vapour pressure allowed is 38 kPa and the maximum vapour pressure allowed is: Auckland and Northland: 62 kPa summer; 70 kPa autumn and spring; 80 kPa winter; rest of North Island: 65 kPa summer; 75 kPa autumn and spring; 80 kPa winter; South Island: 70 kPa summer; 80 kPa autumn and spring; 85 kPa winter to be tested using ASTM D5191 • Water – 1.0% m/m maximum to be testing using ASTM E203 or EN 15489 • Legal clarifications to reflect original policy intent: • Calculation of “pool averages” for aromatics in petrol is to be clarified so that in any six month period the average aromatic content does not exceed 42% volume. • Consequential amendments: Objeto y razón de ser: Establecer límites máximos permisibles de emisión y de contenido de formaldehído que deben emitir o contener los tableros fabricados con partículas de madera y tableros de fibras de madera, fabricados con urea formaldehído como encolante, así como los muebles, sus partes y todos los demás productos fabricados con este tipo de tableros. A su vez, aplica a los tableros de partículas de madera y a los tableros de fibras de madera, que en su producción se utilizaron resinas de urea formaldehído; tanto a los producidos en la República Mexicana como a los importados, así como a los muebles, sus partes y todos los demás productos fabricados con este tipo de tableros, producidos en el territorio nacional como a los importados. NUEVA ZELANDA Notificación: G/TBT/N/NZL/74 Reviewing Aspects of the Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011: Discussion Paper (59 pages). A consultation document outlining various proposals to amend existing fuel specifications as delineated under the Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011. Proposals relevant to the TBT Committee include those that are designed to: • Align with international specifications: • Maximum sulphur for petrol reduced from 50 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg by 1 July 2018; • Maximum oxygen content introduced of 2.7 percent mass for petrol blends with a maximum ethanol content of 5.0 percent, and 3.7 percent mass for petrol with a maximum ethanol content of 10.0 percent. Petrol blends with ethanol include mono-alcohols and ethers with a final boiling point no higher than 2100C. • Maximum methanol content introduced of 3.0 percent volume. The following stipulations for petrol blended with methanol would also be introduced: • The methanol component of any blend of petrol and methanol must contain a corrosion inhibitor; • Co-solvent must be added; • The flexible volatility index maximum allowed for regular and premium grade petrol blended with more than 1 percent and not more than 3 percent volume methanol is: 115.0 summer; 120.0 autumn and spring; 130.0 winter. Petrol that complies with the previous season’s quality, and that is stored in a filling-station tank to which fewer than 3 deliveries of petrol have been made since 6 weeks before the beginning of the season, is regarded as complying with this specification for up to 6 weeks after the beginning of the season; and • The maximum vapour pressure allowed for regular and premium grade petrol blended with more than 1 percent and not more than 3 percent methanol is: Auckland and Northland: 72 kPa summer; 87 kPa autumn and spring; 97 kPa winter; rest of North Island: 77 kPa summer; 87 kPa autumn and spring; 97 kPa winter; South Island: 82 kPa summer; 92 kPa autumn and spring; 102 kPa winter. Petrol that complies with the previous season’s quality, and that is stored in a filling-station tank to which fewer than 3

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