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127 adopted, EPA is revising the existing hazard categories for hazardous chemical inventory form reporting under EPCRA Section 312 and for list reporting under section 311. In this action, EPA is also making a few minor corrections in the hazardous chemical reporting regulations. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of the environment; Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection. NUEVA ZELANDA Notificación: G/TBT/N/NZL/75 Assessment summary for Proposal P1026 – Lupin as an Allergen (22 pages, in English). This Proposal seeks to amend the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code to require declaration of lupin (for example via labelling) when present in food due to its allergenicity potential. In order to manage the potential risk of consumption of lupin and lupin-derived food products, FSANZ has prepared a draft food regulatory measure to apply the mandatory allergen requirements to lupin and lupin-derived products. It is proposed the following will be covered by the mandatory requirements: • packaged and unpackaged food containing any form of lupin, including oil derived from lupin • the use of lupin as a processing aid or as an ingredient of a processing aid • food additives derived from or including lupin as an ingredient • the use of lupin as an ingredient of a compound ingredient. Objeto y razón de ser: In Australia there have been a number of cases of severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, reported in people who have consumed food containing lupin. This, along with the expected future increase of the use of lupin in foods in New Zealand and the potential that people with other legume allergies e.g. peanut and soy, may also react to lupin, poses an ongoing risk for New Zealand consumers that needs to be managed to avoid future cases of allergic reactions. All proposals to change the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, must be assessed in the context of the following objectives: (a) the protection of public health and safety; (b) the provision of adequate information relating to food to enable consumers to make informed choices; and (c) the prevention of misleading or deceptive conduct. REPÚBLICA CHECA Notificación: G/TBT/N/CZE/195 Draft implementing decree on the accountancy and control of nuclear materials and reporting of information on them (21 pages, in English; 19 pages, in Czech). Based on authorising provisions in the new Atomic Act, the draft implementing decree governs: a) the isotope concentration of an element in a material making it a source material b) the radionuclide concentration in a material making it a special fissile material c) the list of other fissile materials that are relevant to ensuring the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons d) the scope, method, and deadlines for reporting data on the production of packaging for irradiated nuclear fuel, building of hot cells, research and development activities relating to the nuclear fuel cycle, or other activities set out in directly applicable Euratom legislation) e) the scope and retention method and period for information about uranium or thorium ore mining or processing in the Czech Republic and its transmission to the State Office for Nuclear Safety (hereinafter the “Office”) f) content requirements for documentation for licensed activities in the area of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons g) the scope and retention method and period for registered documents on nuclear materials and deadlines for providing them to the Office h) the scope of and method for nuclear material inspection by a licence holder in the area of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons i) the scope of and method for keeping a nuclear material accounting system ediciones Gestión de documentos en un entorno digital Manual de normas UNE Contiene las claves que le ayudarán a salvaguardar la información generada en su organización, a través de una gestión eficaz de los documentos y aprovechando al máximo las tecnologías de la información. Recopila 16 normas UNE con todos los requisitos para: • Establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar un sistema de gestión para documentos. • Crear y conservar los documentos digitalizados. • Identificar y gestionar los documentos en sistemas digitales de gestión de documentos. • Analizar los procesos para la creación, incorporación y control de documentos. • Aplicar los metadatos en general y el conjunto Dublin Core a la gestión de documentos. • Demostrar la autenticidad de las copias electrónicas. 2012 –16 normas UNE CD-ROM – 24,2 € ISBN: 978-84-8143-789-8 (IVA incluido) Más información: 902 102 201 - -

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