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68 Notificaciones OMC Organización Mundial del Comercio OCTUBRE ARGENTINA Notificación: G/TBT/N/ARG/308 Importación de productos vitivinícolas a granel (2 páginas, en español). Los productos vínicos importados a granel deberán ingresar acompañados de antecedentes de elaboración expedido por autoridad competente del país del cual provienen, donde con-stará las variedades de uva utilizadas con la añada pertinente. Objeto y razón de ser: Controles de calidad. ARMENIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/ARM/77 Draft amendments no. 1 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On safety of personal protective equipment” (TR CU 019/2011) (6 pages, in Russian). Draft amendments  no.  1 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On safety of personal protective equipment”(TR CU 019/2011) provides for the emendation of the scope of tech-nical regulations and requirements for the separate objects of technical regulation which affects the interests of manufactures and consumers of personal protective equipment. Objeto y razón de ser: Health, safety. BRASIL Notificación: G/TBT/N/BRA/696 Draft Technical Resolution n. 261, 10 October 2016, regarding guidelines for toxicological information in labels and leaflets of pesticides and wood preservers (13 pages, in Portuguese). This Draft Resolution approves the Technical Regulation which establishes the guidelines for toxicological information in labels and leaflets of pesticides, wood preservers and others.This Draft Resolution revokes the Diretrizes e Exigências do Ministério da Saúde, Referentes à Autorização de Registro, Renovação de Registro e Extensão de Uso de Agrotóxicos e Afins (Guidelines and Exigencies of the Ministry of Health, regarding Register Authorization, Register Renovation and Extension of Pesticides Use) approved by the Divisions of Products, Human Ecology and Environmental Health and Risk Assessment as Diretrizes e Exigências, Referentes à autorização de Registros, Renovação de Registro e Extensão de Uso de Produtos Agrotóxicos e afins (Guidelines and Exigencies, regarding Register Authorization, Register Renovation and Extension of Pesticides Use) – n. 01, 9 December 1991, published on Brazilian Official Journal, 13 De-cember 1991 and Endorsed by the Ordinance n. 03, 16 January 1992, from the Technical-Normative Department of the Sanitary Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of human health or safety. CHILE Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHL/375 Normas del Anteproyecto del Plan de Prevención y Descontam-inación Atmosférica de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago (11 páginas, en español). En el Anteproyecto del Plan de Prevención y Descontaminación atmosférica de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, se propo-nen normas de emisión para ciertos tipos de fuentes contami-nantes, entre las cuales están la norma de emisión para material particulado para fuentes estacionarias; norma de emisión para dióxido de azufre; norma de emisión para grupos electrógenos; norma de emisión para maquinaria fuera de ruta. Se proponen los requisitos que deben cumplir los combustibles que se dis-tribuyan o expendan en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Objeto y razón de ser: Protección del medio ambiente y protección de la salud. ESLOVENIA Notificación: G/TBT/N/SVN/99 Rules on the quality of meat products and meat preparations (17 pages, in Slovenian). Rules prescribe the methods of processing and manufacturing, properties and compositions and their content, labelling, identi-fication and designation, which must be fulfilled by meat prod-ucts and meat preparations which are placed on the market. Objeto y razón de ser: Consumer protection. Notificación: G/TBT/N/SVN/100 Rules on the quality of edible salt (4 pages, in Slovenian). Rules prescribe the conditions of quality, labelling and deter-mining of conformity, which shall be met in the production and trade of salt for food and food production. Objeto y razón de ser: Consumer protection. REPÚBLICA CHECA Notificación: G/TBT/N/CZE/200 Draft implementing decree on radiation protection and secu-rity of radionuclide sources (319 pages, in English; 307 pages, in Czech). Based on the authorising provisions in Act No 263/2016, the draft implementing decree governs: • the list of changes influencing radiation protection, radiation situation monitoring and emergency management of a cat-egory III workplace and category IV workplace; • a list of construction materials; • samples of registration applications; • a list and content of the documentation for the activity to be registered; • requirements for the content of documentation for licensed activities; • a list of quantities and facts relevant to radiation protection; • the scope, method and time of monitoring, measuring, as-sessing, reviewing and recording of quantities and facts

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