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69 relevant to radiation protection and the period for which the information thereon needs to be kept; • the scope, method of and deadlines for the delivery of infor-mation on quantities and facts important for radiation pro-tection to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the scope, method and duration for which recorded docu-ments on sources of ionising radiation shall be archived, and the deadlines for their delivery to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • exposure of a patient considered to be erroneous for the pur-poses of defining a radiological event; • radionuclide activity at which a sealed radionuclide source is a high-activity source; • criteria for classifying sources of ionising radiation into cat-egories; • the method of classification of radionuclide sources in secu-rity categories; • the criteria for classifying workplaces in the appropriate cat-egory; • the rules for classifying staff into category A or B; • exposure limit values and the method of managing them; • reference levels; • the method of application of the reference levels; • procedures used when optimising radiation protection, in-cluding the method of determining the dose optimisation limits; • the value and method of application of the exemption level; • the scope and frequency of tests performed pursuant to § 68(1)(f) of the Atomic Act; • the scope and frequency of operating stability tests per-formed by registered persons; • the rules for determining the scope and frequency of operat-ing stability tests performed by licence holders; • the persons performing operating stability tests; • the persons ensuring the fulfilment of the obligations under § 68(1)(g) of the Atomic Act; • the evaluation procedure of operating stability tests and the method of dealing with the results thereof, including the method and duration for which the results are to be kept; • the criteria for evaluating long-term stability testing and the rules for eliminating defects detected by this testing, and the method of setting a deadline for the removal of these defects; • the scope and content of information provided under § 68(1) (n) of the Atomic Act and the method of providing said in-formation; • the scope and method of continuous training for exposed workers, the method of verifying their knowledge and the frequency and method of documenting continuous training; • the scope and method of radiation protection assurance for the activity performed; • the types of sources of ionising radiation for which inventory checks shall be performed, the scope, method and frequency of inventory checks and the scope of results to be forwarded to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the methods of evidencing leak tightness of sealed radionu-clide sources; • a list of changes connected with radiation protection, radia-tion situation monitoring and handling of radiological emer-gencies at a workplace with a source of ionising radiation; • the scope and method of documenting and reporting to the State Office for Nuclear Safety modifications related to radia-tion protection, radiation situation monitoring and radiologi-cal emergency management in a workplace with a source of ionising radiation; • the scope and method of completing the decommissioning of a category III workplace or a category IV workplace; • the job description of the person responsible for radiation protection of the registered person; • the procedures for ensuring radiation protection by regis-tered persons when using sources of ionising radiation; • the scope and method of retaining records on sources of ion-ising radiation and forwarding them to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the scope and method of performance of the activities of a supervising person; • the category of exposed workers in the case of a supervising person; • the scope and method of performance of the activities of a person directly supervising radiation protection; • the method of classifying persons directly supervising radia-tion protection in the categories of exposed workers; • the scope and method of performing activities by a special-ised radiation protection unit ensuring continuous surveil-lance of radiation protection at an energy-generating nuclear installation; • the scope and method of delineating a controlled area; • the scope of restrictions on entry into the controlled area; • the conditions for the performance of work in a controlled area; • the requirements for documenting the operation of a con-trolled area; • requirements regarding the documents connected with the operation of a controlled area; • the scope and method of delineating a supervised area; • the method of radiation protection assurance in a supervised area; • the requirements for documenting the operation of a super-vised area; • the conditions for the safe operation of a workplace with a source of ionising radiation with regard to the type of the source of ionising radiation; • the clearance level for workplaces in which activities involv-ing radiation are conducted, and the conditions under which they are considered exceeded; • the scope and method of delineating a supervised area in a temporary workplace; • the method of assurance of radiation protection of the gen-eral public, workers and the area surrounding the temporary workplace; • the scope and method of reporting to the State Office for Nuclear Safety the performance of activities in a emporary workplace; • requirements connected with personal monitoring of a radia-tion  protection officer; • the procedures for evaluation of the quantities measured in the context of monitoring; • the rules for equipping exposed workers of category A with personal dosimeters and the handling thereof, as well as the duration of their evaluation;

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