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70 Notificaciones OMC • the way in which the results of personal monitoring are pro-vided to a radiation protection officer; • the rules for issuing individual radiological monitoring docu-ments, the deadline for the submission of applications and the validity duration for said documents; • the rules for handling the individual radiological monitoring document; • a specimen of the individual radiological monitoring docu-ment for outside workers; • the scope and method of updating the information in the in-dividual radiological monitoring document; • the rules for the appointment of a representative person and the medical assessment of his/her radiation exposure; • the content of the optimisation study for establishing the au-thorised limit of exposure of the representative person; • the content of records on non-medical exposure kept by the licence holder and by the registered person; • the national diagnostic reference levels; • the content of records under § 84(4) and (5) of the Atomic Act; • the scope and method of transmitting data on determining the distribution of medical exposure doses among the gen-eral public; • the requirements for sources of ionising radiation used in medical exposure and workplace equipment for x-ray diag-nostics and radiotherapy; • the method of therapeutic or diagnostic application of radio-nuclides; • the conditions for the release of a patient after therapeutic or diagnostic application of radionuclides; • the cases in which patients shall be provided with written instructions on safe behaviour after therapeutic or diagnostic application of radionuclides; • the classification of radiological events according to their seri-ousness and the procedures in case of their occurrence; • the procedures for the case of a radiological event or a case in which a radiological event could have arisen had the causes not been detected and eliminated in good time; • the period for which the records of investigations and records of the measures taken under § 87(3) shall be retained, as well as the content thereof; • the scope and the period for the provision of information about serious radiological events; • the radiation protection assurance requirements for mining, treating or processing radioactive minerals; • the method of identifying and marking a high-activity source and its accessories; • a list of workplaces using a material with increased content of natural radionuclides; • the method, scope and frequency of the measurements to determine workers individual doses, the method of establish-ing workers individual doses and the scope and method of recording-keeping of workers individual doses; • the scope and content of information about the workplace to be reported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety, including the identification data of the operator of the workplace and the frequency with which said information is reported; • the level which, when exceeded, radiation protection optimi-sation shall be ensured in workplaces using materials with an increased content of natural radionuclide; • the scope, method and frequency of measurements and eval-uation of the radionuclide content of a radioactive substance discharged from the workplace; • the method of record-keeping of the results of the measure-ments of the radionuclide content of radioactive substances discharged from the workplace, and the frequency with which said results are reported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the content of internal regulations for the management of radioactive substances discharged from the workplace; • the clearance level for workplaces with potentially increased exposure to a natural source of radiation, and the onditions under which they are considered exceeded; • the conditions for classifying workplaces located on an un-derground or first ground floor of a building as workplaces with potentially increased exposure to radon; • the scope, method and frequency of performing the mea-surements to establish the effective doses to workers in the workplace, and the rules for establishing a worker’s effective dose; • the scope, method and duration of performing the measure-ments to establish the effective doses to workers in the work-place; • the scope and content of the information about the work-place to be reported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety, including the identification data of the operator of the work-place and the frequency with which said information is re-ported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the method of determining the building site radon index; • the criteria for the preparation and evaluation of measures intended to reduce the level of indoor exposure to natural sources of radiation; • the level of annual average radon activity concentration in the air which, when exceeded, owners of buildings with resi-dential rooms or rooms intended to be occupied by persons shall take measures reducing the level of exposure; • maximum permissible value of radon activity concentration in drinking water for public use and for making bottled water available on the market; • the reference level for natural radionuclide content in drink-ing water for public use and for making bottled water avail-able on the market; • the scope, frequency and method of systematic measurement and evaluation of the natural radionuclide content of water; • the scope and method of record-keeping of the results of measurements and other data, including the identification data of a water supplier and a producer and supplier of bottled water, and the frequency with which said results are reported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety; • the reference level for construction materials; • the method of calculating and the value of the activity con-centration index for construction materials; • the scope and method of systematic measurement and evaluation of the natural radionuclide content of building materials; • the scope and method of record-keeping of the results of measurements and other data, including the identification data of a producer and supplier of  construction materials, and the frequency with which said results are reported to the State Office for Nuclear Safety;

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