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76 Notificaciones OMC Organización Mundial del Comercio OCTUBRE BRASIL Notificación: G/TBT/N/BRA/752 Draft Ordinance Nº. 396, 10 october 2017. Draft inter-ministerial regulation proposing a spe-cific regulation and a target program for refrigera-tors and freezers setting maximum levels of energy consumption or energy efficiency of machines and appliances manufactured or marketed in the coun-try on the basis of relevant technical indicators. Objeto y razón de ser: Consumer information, Labe-lling, Protection of the environment. Notificación: G/TBT/N/BRA/753 MAPA Ordinance Nº. 37, 18 September 2017 (Instrução Normativa Nº 37, de 18 de September de 2017). This Ordinance improves the main ordinance 48, 24 September 2013 (Instrução Normativa 48, de 24 de setembro de 2013) that establishes Production and Marketing Standards for Citrus Propagation Mate-rial - Citrus spp, Fortunella spp, Poncirus spp, and their hybrids, as well as their identity and quality patterns, with validity throughout the National Te-rritory. It revokes Ordinance 168, 28 May 1984 (Porta-ria MAPA Nº 168, de 28 de Maio de 1984). Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety, Protection of animal or plant life or health. Notificación: G/TBT/N/BRA/754 Draft resolution number 408, 3 September 2017. This Draft Resolution provides for the mandatory inclusion of UDI / IMDRF standard barcode on tra-ceability tags for cardiological stents, hip and knee implants. The mandatory inclusion of a UDI / IMDRF standard barcode as the technology for capturing, storing and transmitting data on the traceability tags of cardiac stents, hip and knee implants is es-tablished for the proper tracking and control to be performed within the scope of the National Regis-try of Implants - RNI. The bar code referred to in the caput of this article shall comply with the technical standards established by the International Technical Standards ISO and IMDRF, listed in the Annex to this Resolution, in order to ensure the reading by electro-nic data capture mechanisms throughout the chain of products, minimally during the life of the product. The arrangement of the bar code should not preju-dice the visualization of the other information in the current legislation for traceability labels. The in-clusion of the traceability labels containing the bar code in the consumer packaging shall be carried out by the holder of the registration or international ma-nufacturer. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. CHINA Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHN/1222 Administrative Rules on the Recall of Defective Con-sumer Products. This Administrative Rules specify the scope, liability subject and responsibilities of government authori-ty and technical department of defective consumer products recall. It also stipulates the information management, defects investigation, operation and management of recall, legal liabilities of related bo-dies. It aims to further improve the administrative system of defective consumer products recall. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/CHN/1223 Notice on Adjusting the Acceptance of Drug Regis-tration (Draft). The adjustment to the acceptance of drug registra-tion is: all the procedures shall now be handled by China Food and Drug Administration, instead of the former mode in which the application shall be ac-cepted by provincial Food and Drug Administration, and be appraised and approved by China Food and Drug Administration. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. ESTADOS UNIDOS Notificación: G/TBT/N/USA/1310 United States Standards for Grades of Pork Carcas-ses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricul-tural Marketing Service (AMS) is seeking public com-ment on revisions to the United States Standards for Grades of Pork Carcasses (pork standards). The last revision to the pork standards occurred in 1985 and the standards no longer accurately reflect value di-fferences in today’s pork products. Modern pork pro-duction is characterized by products with improved color and higher marbling content, two factors that have been consistently identified by researchers as the main components affecting pork eating quality.

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