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78 Notificaciones OMC sea de 50 m3 (314.5 barriles) o superior y ésta se reali-ce en tanques subterráneos y/o superficiales del tipo horizontal y/o vertical; b) Las instalaciones terrestres de almacenamiento de Petróleo que forman parte de la operación de Trasvase, cuya capacidad de almace-namiento total sea de 480 m3 (3019 barriles) o supe-rior y ésta se realice en tanques superficiales del tipo vertical y horizontal, tanques subterráneos y tanques superficiales confinados de doble contención; c) Los Aditivos, Componentes Oxigenantes y Biocombusti-bles almacenados dentro de la instalación terrestre de almacenamiento de Petrolíferos (excepto Gas Li-cuado de Petróleo) y Petróleo, vinculados al proceso de mezclado o preparación de gasolinas, descritos en el Apéndice B Normativo; d) Los criterios para la integra-ción del Sistema de Recuperación de Vapores (SRV), en la fase 0, descritos en el Apéndice A Normativo, y e) Las áreas de Recepción y Entrega dentro de las insta-laciones terrestres de almacenamiento de Petrolíferos (excepto Gas Licuado de Petróleo), Petróleo, Aditivos, Componentes Oxigenantes y Biocombustibles, vin-culados al proceso de mezclado o preparación de ga-solinas, en las siguientes modalidades de operación: 1) Punto dentro de las instalaciones terrestres de al-macenamiento para conectividad con un sistema de transporte por ducto o una instalación terrestre que recibe o Entrega por vía Buque-tanque; 2) Descarga de Auto-tanque – tanque de almacenamiento; 3) Descar-ga de Carro-tanque – tanque de almacenamiento; 4) Carga de Auto-tanque desde un tanque de almacena-miento; 5) Carga de Carro-tanque desde un tanque de almacenamiento, y 6) Trasvase de tanque a tanque. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety, Protection of the environment. PARAGUAY Notificación: G/TBT/N/PRY/102 Proyecto de Resolución “Por la cual se Reglamenta la extensión de fecha de validez; retiro de circulación del mercado y disposición final de productos fitosanita-rios, fertilizantes, enmiendas y afines con fecha venci-da” (Draft Resolution regulating the extension of the validity date, the market recall and final disposal of outdated phytosanitary products, fertilizers, soil condi-tioners and related substances). The notified draft Resolution regulates the extension of the validity date and the market recall of the afore-mentioned products. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. REPÚBLICA DE COREA Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/731 Proposed enactment of the “Enforcement Rule of Cleansing & Hygiene Products Control Act” (28 articles, 8 tables, 21 forms, 93 pages, available in Korean). The purpose of this Enforcement Rule is to provide for matters delegated by the Cleansing & Hygiene Products Control Act and the proposed Enforcement Decree of the aforesaid Act, and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. The proposed enactment of Enforcement Rule of ‘Cleansing & Hygiene Products Control Act’ includes the following provisions: a) Atta-ched table 1 of the Enforcement Rule stipulates faci-lities requirements for cleansing & hygiene product business operator. b) Any person who intends to no-tify his/her business pursuant to Article 3(1) or 3(2) of the Act shall submit an application for business no-tification to competent authorities after he/she has facilities necessary for business operations. (i.e., a per-son who intends to start an import business should submit an application to the head of a Regional Office of Food and Drug Safety) c) Any person who intends to make an import declaration pursuant to Article 8(1) of the Act shall submit an import declaration of im-ported cleansing & hygiene products regulated by the Act to the head of a Regional Office of Food and Drug Safety. d) Where the head of a Regional Office of Food and Drug Safety receives an import declaration of imported cleansing & hygiene product, he/she shall conduct an inspection of the relevant imported clean-sing & hygiene products in accordance with methods of inspection prescribed in attached Table 3. e) Article 16(1) and 16(2) require business operators to comple-te three or four hours of mandatory hygiene educa-tion every year. f) Article 17(1) stipulates the following information is to be included in the label: the letter “cleansing & hygiene products”, the name of product, the name and location of the business, net weight of product, date of manufacture, ingredients list, etc. g) Application, amendment, inspection fees pursuant to the Article 30 of the Act shall be as specified in atta-ched Table 8. Objeto y razón de ser: Protection of Human health or Safety. Notificación: G/TBT/N/KOR/732 Proposed Revision of the “Labelling Standards for Foods”. The main proposed amendments of the “Labelling Standards for Foods” is as the following: Include pine nut as an allergen required to be stated on label and establish a guidance on food allergen labelling exemp-tion for single-ingredient food. Require to put “hand-le with care” symbol on the package of food additives which may cause food safety accidents. Require to state disclaimer “serving suggestion” if any picture on the package does not exactly match the food that is in the package. If other parts of ginseng (e.g.: leaf, berry, or etc.) other than ginseng root are used, the exact in-gredients are required to be stated on label to prevent consumer’s misunderstanding. Require to put a dis-claimer “recommends moderate consumption of can-dy” on label of strong acidic candies. Delete labelling exemption conditions for unprocessed food wrapped in transparent plastic and establish labelling exemp-tion conditions for unprocessed food by small-scale farmers. Require to state food additives on the label of reconstituted juices bear 100% juice declaration. Na-mes and percentages of ingredients are required to be stated on the principal display panel if any picture on

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